"Vituperate" is a word in ENGLISH

vituperate ENGLISH

To find fault with; to scold; to overwhelm with
wordy abuse; to censure severely or abusively; to rate.

Few words of positivity

We have been chosen and called to be like Jesus Christ.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's the slowest thing in the world?A: A Mexican funeral with only two sets of jumper cables.


ábat v {1} [A; a1] feel with the hands, esp. to find s.t. out. Nag-ábat siya sa yáwi sa íyang …

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abat-abat HILIGAYNON

abát-ábat - Dim. and Freq. of ábat. Also: to follow up, follow from place to place. Ginabátábat sang mga polís …

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áblaw - (B) Affability, friendliness; sociability; to be or become affable; friendly, sociable. Nagáblaw siá karón. He has become affable …

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ádat - Acridity, pungency, sharpness, bitterness; to be or become sour, sharp, bitter, hot, biting, acid, pungent, acrid. Ang nagakáon …

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agá-ága - Every morning, regularly in the morning. Agá-ága or sa agá-ága makítà mo siá sa íya sululátan. Each morning …

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agalun CEBUANO

agálun (from ágad) n master, boss. v {1} [A123S] happen to get a master. Nakaagawun akug dagmalan, I happened to …

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agalunpan CEBUANO

agálunpaN- v [A23] for a long-lost thing to be found again by its owner or for a thing long sold …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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alam Active Verb: umalam Passive Verb: alamin Definition: 1) knowledge (noun) 2) knowledgeable, well-versed (adj) 3) to know, to have …

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álam may (walay) () uneducated (having no education). Lisud ang pangimplíyu ug wà kay alam, Youll have a hard time …

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alchemy ENGLISH

An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for …

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alibangu CEBUANO

alibángu a bothering others by being noisy. v [B1; b6] bother s. o. by being noisy. Gialibangúhan ku sa ímung …

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almanaki CEBUANO

almanáki n almanac. v {1} [a12] do by means of an almanac. Ug lisdan kag hunàhúnag ngálan, almanakíhun na lang …

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ámpò - Prayer, petition, request, to pray, beseech, ask, beg, petition, request. Nagaámpò akó, or ginaámpò ko nga—. I pray, …

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amumung CEBUANO

amumúng v [a4] lose ones way under spell of evil spirit. Kun amumúngun ka baliha lang ang ímung sinínà arun …

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-an local passive verb a? x, future. (past gi-an; subjunctive -i. Potential forms: past na-an; future ma-an or, alternatively, ka-an; …

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anabyung CEBUANO

anabyung = hinagdung. ánad v {1} [B23(1); b(1)] take to, become fond of. Pakúgus ang bátà nga nakaánad na nímu, …

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Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu …

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ángal v [B; b3] find s.t. to complain about. Unsa may angálan nímu sa trabáhu ug sayun man gáling? What …

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angay-angay HILIGAYNON

angáy-ángay - Dim. of ángay. Also: To compare. Angáy-angáya silá nga duhá kon nagaparého ang íla kataasón. Compare the two …

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