"Unpaint" is a word in ENGLISH

unpaint ENGLISH

To remove the paint from; to efface, as a painting.

Few words of positivity

The tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes never! You're asked an unexpected question, you don't even flinch, it takes just a second to get yourself under control, you know just what you have to say to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and nothing in your face twitches to give you away. But the truth, alas, has been disturbed by the question, and it rises up from the depths of your soul to flicker in your eyes and all is lost.

Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

Laugh your heart out.

Can you spell a pretty girl with two letters?QT (cutey).

abatement ENGLISH

The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end …

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The removal, prostration, or destruction of that which causes a nuisance, whether by breaking or pulling it down, or otherwise …

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ablation ENGLISH

A carrying or taking away; removal.

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ablative ENGLISH

Taking away or removing.

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ablative ENGLISH

Applied to one of the cases of the noun in Latin and some other languages, -- the fundamental meaning of …

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abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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In practice. Higher; superior. The court to which a cause is removed by appeal or wrlt of error is called …

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abscession ENGLISH

A separating; removal; also, an abscess.

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CE. The state of being absent, removed, or away from one’s domlci^ or qsual. plaqe of residence. , v/ ;.c.i

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abstracted ENGLISH

Separated or disconnected; withdrawn; removed; apart.

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to remove (a pot or something that is being cooked) from the fire or stove. Adawem ta banga. …

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advocation ENGLISH

The process of removing a cause from an inferior court to the supreme court.

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after-image ENGLISH

The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed; also …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to make narrower or less wide, to remove part of along lengthwise edge(s). Agisam ta tabla ta …

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agwása - (Sp. guasa, guason) Lively, cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to …

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To support, either by furnishing strength or means in cooperation to effect a purpose, or to prevent or to remove …

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alas-as ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to remove, strip, detach, tear off. Alas-asem amin nga lasag dayta pityo ti manok. Remove all the meat …

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alis1 Active Verb: mag-alis Passive Verb: alisin Definition: 1) departure (noun) 2) to take away, to remove, to deduct (mag-alis; …

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alis2 Active Verb: umalis Definition: 1) departure (noun) 2) to take away, to remove, to deduct (mag-alis; alisin) 3) to …

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álsa - (Sp. alza, alzar) A rise in price; the raising of merchandise, money, etc. on credit; to raise, lift, …

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