"Alas-As" is a word in ILOKANO

alas-as ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to remove, strip, detach, tear off. Alas-asem amin nga lasag dayta pityo ti manok. Remove all the meat of that chicken breast.

Few words of positivity

And we were in our thirties. Well into the Age of Boredom, when nothing is new. Now, I’m not being self-pitying; it’s simply true. Newness, or whatever you want to call it, becomes a very scarce commodity after thirty. I think that’s unfair. If I were in charge of the human life span, I’d make sure to budget newness much more selectively, to ration it out. As it is now, it’s almost used up in the first three years of life. By then you’ve seen for the first time, tasted for the first time, held something for the first time. Learned to walk, talk, go to the bathroom. What have you got to look forward to that can compare with that? Sure, there’s school. Making friends. Falling in love. Learning to drive. Sex. Learning to trade. That has to carry you for the next twenty-five years. But after that? What’s the new excitement? Mastering your home computer? Figuring out how to work CompuServe? “Now, if it were up to me, I’d parcel out. So that, say, at thirty-five we just learned how to go on the potty. Imagine the feeling of accomplishment! They’d have office parties. "Did you hear? The vice president in charge of overseas development just went a whole week without his diaper. We’re buying him a gift." It’d be beautiful.

Phoef Sutton, Fifteen Minutes to Live

Laugh your heart out.

A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven. At the pearly gate he was asked by the gatekeeper: 'Have you ever committed a sin you truly regret?' 'Yes,' the professor ansvered. 'When I was a young candidate at the hospital of Saint Lucas, we played soccer against at team from the Community Hospital, and I scored a goal, which was off-side. But the referee did not se it so, and the goal won us the match. I regret that now.' 'Well,' said the gatekeeper. 'That is a very minor sin. You may enter.' 'Thank you very much, Saint Peter,' the professor ansvered. 'Im am not Saint Peter,' said the gatekeeper. 'He is having his lunchbreak. I am Saint Lucas.'


A sharp, sudden sound or report; the sound of anything suddenly burst or broken; as, the crack of a falling …

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caroche ENGLISH

A kind of pleasure carriage; a coach.

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patian ILOKANO
preliminary ENGLISH

Introductory; previous; preceding the main discourse or business; prefatory; as, preliminary observations to a discourse or book; preliminary articles to …

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placebo ENGLISH

A prescription intended to humor or satisfy.

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propriety ENGLISH

That which is proper or peculiar; an inherent property or quality; peculiarity.

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tukad v [A; a2c] go, bring up to the mountain, or country from town. Mutukad ku karung tingsanggì, Ill go …

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akwaryum CEBUANO

akwaryum n aquarium.

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morris ENGLISH

A dance formerly common in England, often performed in pagenats, processions, and May games. The dancers, grotesquely dressed and ornamented, …

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To point or direct a missile weapon, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with …

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tropic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine and certain other alkaloids, as a white crystalline substance slightly …

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tinghak CEBUANO

tinghak v [A] be panting, gasping for breath. Nagtinghak siya human sa lumbà, He was panting after the race.

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spermatospore ENGLISH

Same as Spermospore.

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yúdu n tincture of iodine.

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kwélyo - (Sp. cuello) Collar; neck. (cf. kolár, kolíntas).

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aerostatics ENGLISH

The science that treats of the equilibrium of elastic fluids, or that of bodies sustained in them. Hence it includes …

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The armed forces of a nation in-tended for military service on lnnd

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