"Childly" is a word in ENGLISH

childly ENGLISH

Having the character of a child; belonging, or
appropriate, to a child.

childly ENGLISH

Like a child.

Few words of positivity

So young and so lethargic! As though he had been born to sit and stare like this. Ever since Kiyoaki had confided in him, Shigekuni, who would have been bright and confident, as befitted such an able young man, had undergone a change. Or rather, the friendship between him and Kiyoaki had undergone a strange reversal. For years, each of them had been extremely careful to intrude in no way on the personal life of the other. But now, just three days before, Kiyoaki had suddenly come to him and, like a newly cured patient transmitting his disease to someone else, had passed on to his friend the virus of introspection. It had taken hold so readily that Honda's disposition now seemed a far better host to it than Kiyoaki's. The first major symptom of the disease was a vague sense of apprehension.

Yukio Mishima, Spring Snow

Laugh your heart out.

Swedish business consultant Ulf af Trolle labored 11 years on a book about Swedish economic solutions. He took the 175-page manuscript to be copied, only to have it reduced to 25,000 strips of paper in seconds when a worker confused the copier with the shredder.


a - The letter A in Visayan is pronounced as in Spanish, except when it has a cut short, abrupt …

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n. dirt, anything dirty - usually in child’s talk.

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aanakan ILOKANO

n. uterus, womb. --syn. MATRIS. ANAK TI BUNYAG, godchild. ANAK TI RUAR, illegitimate child.

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abalayan ILOKANO

n. 1. the relationship between the parents of a married couple. 2. the father or mother of the spouse of …

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abandonment ENGLISH

The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband, or …

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ábat - To follow, go after (frequently with the meaning implied of summoning or calling back). Abáta siá. Follow him …

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abáw - See abáo, abá. abáy, (B) To join, enter, associate with, take to, mingle. Nagabáy na siá sa pagkapánday, …

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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abáyan - Liable to fall under a spell by which a benefit is changed into its opposite evil. Indì mo …

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abdicate ENGLISH

To disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child; to disown; to disinherit.

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abduction ENGLISH

The wrongful, and usually the forcible, carrying off of a human being; as, the abduction of a child, the abduction …

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In criminal law. The offense of taking away a man’s wife, child, or ward, by fraud and persuasion, or open …

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To childbed (in the phrase \"brought abed,\" that is, delivered of a child).

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ablactation ENGLISH

The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young beasts from their dam.

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abláy - (B) Shawl, covering for the shoulders and back; to use or wear a shawl. Tan-awá yanáng babáye nga …

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In criminal law. The miscarriage or premature delivery of a woman who is quick with child, when this ls brought …

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abortive ENGLISH

Produced by abortion; born prematurely; as, an abortive child.

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abtik a {1} nimble, quick in reaction. Ang musáyaw sa tinikling kinahanglang abtik ug tiil, Whoever dances the tinikling has …

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Violation; rape; as, abuse of a female child.

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Accouchement LAW AND LEGAL

The act of a woman in giving birth to a child. The fact of the accouchement, proved by a person …

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