"Abaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON


abáw - See abáo, abá.

abáy, (B) To join, enter, associate with,
take to, mingle. Nagabáy na siá sa
pagkapánday, pagkamangangawáy, etc.
He has now taken to carpentry, has cast in
his lot with the soldiery, etc. Dî mo
pagiabáy ang ngálan sang Diós sa mga
sugilánon nga kalibutánon. Do not mingle
the name of God in worldly conversation.
Indì mo pagábyan ang mga dîmatárung.
Do not join with, associate with, wicked
men. Abyí siá. Join him. Become his
companion or associate. Ipaabáy mo ang
ímo nga anák sa mga kaupdánan nga
maáyo sing pamatásan. See that your
child associates with companions of good
behaviour. (cf. ábian; ábyan).

Few words of positivity

I think that Obama's failure to reestablish the rule of law in money matters is the most damaging thing that he's done - and perhaps the most damaging thing that has happened in American politics in my lifetime. Because once the rule of law is absent in money matters, then anything really goes in politics.

James Howard Kunstler

Laugh your heart out.

One day a guy was driving with his 4-year-old daughterand beeped his car horn by mistake.She turned and looked at him for an explanation.He said, "I did that by accident."She replied, "I know that, daddy."He replied, "How'd you know?"The girl said, "Because you didn't say 'ASSHOLE!' afterwards!"

asusyit CEBUANO

asusyit v [A2C12; b(1)] associate with people. Maáyu nà siyang datúa kay muasusyit (makig-asusyit) sa mga pubri, That rich man …

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bákas - To join or associate with in trade, be a partner in business,—in games, etc. Nagabákas siá sa kay …

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bugalón - See bugalán. Also: To be or become proud, etc. Indì ka magímpon sa mga bugalón, kay bâsì magbugalón …

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buyprind CEBUANO

buyprind n boy friend. buysit n bad luck that is permanently associated with a person or thing. Kanang ímung nawung …

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dápon - (B) To join, unite, associate with, to lay—, put—, lump,—hang—, clap—, together. Idápon mo ang ákon báka sa …

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gapud, gápud v [A2; b] join in, associate with a group. Mu-gapud ku sa ílang piknik bísag wà ku imbitaha, …

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húguy = huguyhúguy. huguyhúguy v [AC; c] pal around with s. o. in a spirit of camaraderie, associate with s. …

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huwis n judge. v {1} [B16] be, become a judge. Huwisun siya sa Bugu, He will be made a judge …

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ímpon - To join, associate with, cooperate, join in, take part in. Impon— or—magímpon ka sa íla. Join them. Imponí …

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kaúpud - (H) Companionship, intimacy, acquaintanceship, fellowship, association, comradeship, the going with, companion. Kaúpud (sa) sang—together with, in company with. …

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kiat a {1} restless and inclined to rowdy or bouncy actions. Nagsáyaw sila inubanan sa kiat nga tugtug, They danced …

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kumpang CEBUANO

kumpang n k. o. disease of pigs, manifested by a foul odor em-anating from the mouth and giving a yellow …

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kuntimpuraryu CEBUANO

kuntimpuraryu n contemporary, one living in the same era as another or being in a certain association at the same …

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kurpurasiyun CEBUANO

kurpurasiyun n {1} group of people associated for a common purpose. Kurpurasiyun sa mga magyuyútà, Association of landown-ers. Kanang napalit …

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latón - To infect, taint with, contaminate, be contagious, infectious, catching, spread from one to the other. Andam ka, agúd …

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ransu n ranch. v [A1; a2] have a ranch. ka- n associates, friends (slang). Walay táwu nga manghilabut níya sa …

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símpon - (H) To join, associate with, etc. See ímpon. Indì ka magsímpon sa íla. Don’t join them. Do not …

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tápù - To meet, join, take part in, become a member of a society, associate with, enter, side with (a …

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tingúb - All together, united, gathered, collected, connected, combined, associated, assembled, general; to come together, unite, gather, collect, bring together, …

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