"Spinescent" is a word in ENGLISH

spinescent ENGLISH

Becoming hard and thorny; tapering gradually to a
rigid, leafless point; armed with spines.

Few words of positivity

Life in abundance comes only through great love.

Elbert Hubbard

Laugh your heart out.

Farmer Brown decided his injuries from the accident were serious enough to take the trucking company (responsible for the accident) to court. In court, the trucking company's fancy lawyer was questioning Farmer Brown. "Didn't you say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine'?" asked the lawyer.Farmer Brown responded, "Well I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my favorite mule Bessie into the...""I didn't ask for any details," the lawyer interrupted, "just answer the question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine'!"Farmer Brown said, "Well I had just gotten Bessie into the trailer and I was driving down the road..."The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Judge, I am trying to establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the Highway Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. Now several weeks after the accident he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to simply answer the question."By this time the Judge was fairly interested in Farmer Brown's answer and said to the lawyer, "I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favorite mule Bessie."Brown thanked the Judge and proceeded, "Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favorite mule, into the trailer and was driving her down the highway when this huge semi-truck and trailer ran the stop sign and smacked my truck right in the side."He continued, "I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie was thrown into the other. I was hurting real bad and didn't want to move. However, I could hear ole Bessie moaning and groaning. I knew she was in terrible shape just by her groans.""Shortly after the accident a highway patrolman came on the scene. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her. After he looked at h er, he took out his gun and shot her between the eyes. Then the patrolman came across the road with his gun in his hand and looked at me."Finally, farmer Brown came to the end of the story. "The patrolman looked at me and said, 'Your mule was in such bad shape I had to shoot her. How are YOU feeling'?"


agohós - Shunning work, avoiding labour, lazy, slothful; to be or become lazy, slothful, indolent, averse to work. Mostly used …

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al-al a adult, full-grown birds. Lisud tudlúag sulti ning al-al nga piríku, Its hard to teach a full-grown parrot to …

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alapígot - Hardship, trial, difficulty; hard, trying, difficult; to be or become hard, etc. Alapígot karón ang pangabúhì Life at …

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v. /MA-/ to have one’s teeth sensitive, to feel a tingling pain in the teeth when biting hard food, drinking …

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amaw n feeble-minded. Ang amaw maglisud ug sabut sa mga túgun, The feeble-minded person has a hard time understanding instructions. …

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anabyung CEBUANO

anabyung = hinagdung. ánad v {1} [B23(1); b(1)] take to, become fond of. Pakúgus ang bátà nga nakaánad na nímu, …

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arunsa CEBUANO

arunsa v {1} [A; c] move, move s.t. over. Iarunsa ngari ang kahun, Move the box this way. {2} [B] …

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áwot - (B) Toughness, hardness, tightness, immovability; to move with difficulty, to be hard—, difficult—, to deal with. Nagáwot na …

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ayá-ay - Scarce, rare, uncommon, seldom seen, seldom met with, hard to get; to be or become scarce, etc. Ayá-ay—or—nagaayáay …

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bagnul CEBUANO

bagnul a {1} dull, not sharp. Ang bagnul nga kutsilyu dì limpiyu ug pinutlan, A dull knife will not make …

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bagtuk CEBUANO

bagtuk a hardened, crystallized. v [APBN] become, make hard. Namagtuk (mibagtuk) ang lápuk, The mud hardened. Ang túbig bugnaw mubagtuk …

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bag-u a {1} new. -ng Túgun New Testament. {2} modern. Ang mga batan-un sa bag-ung panahun agrisíbu, The youth nowadays …

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bakatya CEBUANO

bakatya v [A; a1] {1} subject s. o. to hard, severe treatment. Kusug mubakatyag súgù nang agalúna, That master drives …

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To be baked; to become dry and hard in heat; as, the bread bakes; the ground bakes in the hot …

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balingkut CEBUANO

balingkút a hard to please. Pagkabalingkút bayang tawhána. Dílì madalag paayun-áyun, How stubborn he is. No matter how hard you …

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bánhul - Swelling, friction, chafe; chafed, swollen, hard, stiff callous; to chafe, harden, be or become swollen, etc. (cf. pamánhul).

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bantuk CEBUANO

bantuk a {1} hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. {2} for muscles to …

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ban-uk CEBUANO

ban-uk n sickness caused by a spirit of the woods (banwaá-nun) which intrudes sand, feathers, and hairs into the body. …

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barat a {1} cheap, petty: refusing to pay a reasonable price and heeding matters not worth ones attention. {2} cheap, …

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barnati CEBUANO

barnáti v {1} [A; a12] drive s. o. to work very hard. Gibarnáti pagpagúna ang sinuhúlan, The hired laborer was …

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