"Sayu" is a word in ILOKANO, CEBUANO


v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to splash or dash water on.


sayu a early.
Sa sayung kabuntágun, In the early part of the morning.
Sayu ming míabut.
Dúgay pa ang prugrámang magsúgud, We arrived early.
The program wont begin for some time.
v [AB5; c1] be or do s.t.
Sayuhun (isayu) nímu ug híkay ang pamáhaw arun makasayu ka sa iskuylahan, Prepare break-fast early so you can get to school early.
sayusayu v [A2; c1] do s.t.
a little early, or a little too early.

Few words of positivity

This is what kindness does, Ms.Albert said. Each little thing we do goes out, like a ripple, into the world.

Jacqueline Woodson, Each Kindness

Laugh your heart out.

Which fly makes films ?Stephen Speilbug !


abli v [AB; b5] {1} open s.t. , be open. Ikaw bay nag-abli sa pultahan? Were you the one who …

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abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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áhas v [A; a] {1} haul in a fishing net. Ahásun ni Durik ug sayu ang íyang púkut, Doric will …

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alà v [A13P; c6] avoid engaging in certain activities, esp. eating proscribed foods. Dì gánì ka mag-alà sa ímung pagkáun, …

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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alangiing CEBUANO

alangíing a giving o? intense and penetrating heat in the atmo-sphere. v [B2S] be very hot. Basta ting-init mag-alangíing ang …

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alipunga CEBUANO

alipunga, alipungà n {1} eczema caused by allergy. {2} athletes foot. v [a4] get a rash or athletes foot. Alipungahun …

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antimanu CEBUANO

antimánu v {1} [A; b5c1] do s.t. early before s.t. else hap-pens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to roast. Sapaen na nga asaren diay baboy. He will roast the pig early. --syn. TUNO.

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awrura CEBUANO

awrúra n {1} religious procession held in time of pestilence in the early morning or late evening hours for the …

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bag-u a {1} new. -ng Túgun New Testament. {2} modern. Ang mga batan-un sa bag-ung panahun agrisíbu, The youth nowadays …

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báhas v [A; c1] {1} put an end to. Áway ang nagbáhas sa bayli, A quarrel ended the dance early. …

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bákud v [AB25; ac1] {1} get up from lying position, make s.t. lying erect. Mibákud siyag sayu, He got up …

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bangun CEBUANO

bángun v {1} [A2; b2] get up from a lying position. Mubángun kug sayu, Ill get up early. Hibangunan ta …

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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batalya CEBUANO

batalya n {1} battle. {1a} fight (humorous usage). {2} soldiers arrayed for battle. {3} any large group of persons going …

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batinbatin CEBUANO

batinbátin n fruit of fruiting trees or vegetables in the early stages of formation. Daghan nang mga batinbátin ang mangga, …

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adj. /MA-/ to be brief or short in duration, to be away or stay for a short while. /NA-/ brief, …

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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bughat CEBUANO

bughat n k. o. sickness which results from leaving a sickbed or rising from childbirth too early, or from the …

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