"Niadtu" is a word in CEBUANO

niadtu CEBUANO

niadtu {1} see kadtu.
{2} = kaniadtu.

Few words of positivity

I'd never forget how it felt to say those words. To be in our place. In love with you, in love with us, in love with our secret, with the island we were building, keeping out the whole wide world.

Lauren Blakely, 21 Stolen Kisses

Laugh your heart out.

Jesus saw a crowd chasing down a woman to stone her and approached them. "What's going on here, anyway?" he asked."This woman was found committing adultery, and the law says we should stone her!" one of the crowd responded."Wait," yelled Jesus. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."Suddenly, a stone was thrown from out of the sky, and knocked the woman on the side of her head."Aw, c'mon, Dad..." Jesus cried, "I'm trying to make a point here!"


adtu {1} short for niadtu. {2} short for kaniadtu. {3} = kadtu (dialectal).

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diadtu CEBUANO

diadtu {1} = didtu. {2} = niadtu. see kadtu (dialectal).

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diyut n small in size. Diyut nga bátà, A tiny child. n half-centavo coin. way penniless. makadiyut, makariyut {1} to …

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gáyid n s.t. that serves as a guide. v {1} [A; b6] guide the way. Gayri mi kay wà mi …

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iskina CEBUANO

iskína n {1} corner. Iskína lang dung, Let me o? at the corner, driver. Ang iskína sa kahun, The corner …

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kadtu short form: tu. {1} that (far from speaker and hearer). Kadtung balay sa unáhan kang Husi, That house up …

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kaniadtu CEBUANO

kaniadtu formerly. Kaniadtu ang pantalan didtu sa lawis, For-merly the pier was at the point. n {1} past event. Nindut …

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kanunay CEBUANO

kanúnay a {1} always, frequently. Muy kanúnay nímung isulti, Thats what you always say. Muadtu siya kanúnay sa Buhul, He …

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kumpang CEBUANO

kumpang n k. o. disease of pigs, manifested by a foul odor em-anating from the mouth and giving a yellow …

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mu- punctual active verbal prefix, future. (Past: mi- or ni-or ming-. Subjunctive: mu-. ) Muadtu ku didtu ugmà, I will …

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niítu the gen. and dat. of kitu. {1} = niíni. see kini. {2} = niadtu. see kadtu.

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sa particle indicating grammatical relations. short form: s. {1} preceding a phrase referring to a place. Niadtu sa Manílà, Went …

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sadtu {1} = niadtu. see kadtu. {2} = kaniadtu (dialectal).

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sukad sa [dat. ] {1} from s.w. Sukad sa íla nganhi may mga dusintus mitrus, Its about two hundred meters …

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timaan CEBUANO

timáan v [A3S; b(1)] {1} remember, take note. Maáyu siyang mutimáan ug ngálan, Hes good in remembering names. Naka-timaan ka …

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tipik v [A; b] take a bit o? s.t. Dì giyud ka makatipik ánang kík pára nákù? Cant you break …

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tugbang CEBUANO

tugbang v {1} [A2; c] give s.t. as counterpart; match. Ug muámut ka ug kanding sa kumbira mutugbang ku ug …

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tupus v {1} [A; a12] take over the task of s. o. incapable or unavailable. Kinsa may mutupus sa ímung …

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