"Napus" is a word in ENGLISH


A kind of turnip. See Navew.

Few words of positivity

Women and men who have established no-lie relationships talk about them with reverence, even when they are not permanent and, in fact, even when they are not romantic. Why? In the no-lie relationship there is acceptance of who each partner is, rather than a shallow idealization. There is a genuine commitment to the relationship beyond the immediate. You each act as though you are in a real partnership that will last.

Dory Hollander, 101 Lies Men Tell Women -- And Why Women Believe Them

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What's the difference between a line dance instructor and a dentist? A. A dentist lets you sit down while he hurts you.

abacus ENGLISH

A board, tray, or table, divided into perforated compartments, for holding cups, bottles, or the like; a kind of cupboard, …

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Disabled from acting; un-able to act; Incapacitated for business or transactions of any kind

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abal-abal ILOKANO

n. a kind of brown, burrowing June beetle or June bug.

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abalen ILOKANO

n. a kind of white larva that lives in the earth and kills plants by gnawing at their roots. ABANIKO …

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Articulation, usually that kind of articulation which admits of free motion in the joint; diarthrosis.

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ábas - (Sp. haba) A kind of beans.

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n. a kind of fish about the size and shape of a sardine whose meat is esteemed.

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abhung CEBUANO

abhung a musty and flat in smell: damp clothing, rice, sweet potatoes, salted fish, et al. v [B; b6] be, …

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Having sufficient power, strength, force, skill, means, or resources of any kind to accomplish the object; possessed of qualifications rendering …

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ábo - A kind of small fish, growing to about six inches in length, and supposed to be very lazy …

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abokádo - A kind of orange-tree. (cf. kahíl, naranhíta).

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abstinence ENGLISH

The practice of self-denial by depriving one's self of certain kinds of food or drink, especially of meat.

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Abstract Of Title LAW AND LEGAL

A condensed' history of tbe title to land, consisting of a synopsis or summary of the material or op-erative portion …

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abúkan - A kind of sea-shell. (cf. pakinháson, búskay, mángay, sigáy, búli, lampírong, tipáy, búdyong).

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abusár - (Sp. abusar) Misuse, abuse; to misuse, abuse. Nagabusár siá sang kaálwan sang íya tíà. She abused the generosity …

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accent ENGLISH

A mark placed at the right hand of a letter, and a little above it, to distinguish magnitudes of a …

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Accessory Action LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch prac-tice. An action which is subservient or auxiliary to another, of this kind are ac-Aions of “proving the …

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acinus ENGLISH

One of the small grains or drupelets which make up some kinds of fruit, as the blackberry, raspberry, etc.

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The act of growing to a thing; usually applled to the gradual and Imperceptible accumulation of land by nat-ural causes, …

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actinula ENGLISH

A kind of embryo of certain hydroids (Tubularia), having a stellate form.

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