"Abokado" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON

abokado TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) avocado


abokádo - A kind of orange-tree. (cf.
kahíl, naranhíta).

Few words of positivity

What are the key elements for a fabulous, well-delivered compliment? You . . .• are sincere and genuine.• give it freely without expecting anything in return. Your compliment is a selfless gift, not a boomerang.• are specific and detailed.• elaborate on why you like something.• describe how their positive virtue has positively impacted you.• can use adjectives for more colorful descriptions.• keep it positive.• say it like you mean it with intentional impact.• use discretion and good judgment.• leave no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding.• say the right thing at the right moment and let it flow organically.Finding sincere ways to compliment others is a powerful way to make a great first and last impression.

Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact

Laugh your heart out.

Camper: There's something wrong with my hot dog.Cook: Don't tell me. I'm not a veterinarian.


damágan - A kind of small fish.

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eating ENGLISH

The act of tasking food; the act of consuming or corroding.

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butá - Blind, sightless; to become totally blind. Nagbutá na siá? Has he gone busón – butíg quite—, totally—, blind? …

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abstain ENGLISH

To hold one's self aloof; to forbear or refrain voluntarily, and especially from an indulgence of the passions or appetites; …

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easter ENGLISH

An annual church festival commemorating Christ's resurrection, and occurring on Sunday, the second day after Good Friday. It corresponds to …

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dissoor ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to fall suddenly and heavily. /MANGI-: I-/ to cause to fall suddenly and heavily, to put down suddenly …

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malleate ENGLISH

To hammer; to beat into a plate or leaf.

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halituous ENGLISH

Produced by, or like, breath; vaporous.

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atraksiyun CEBUANO

atraksiyun n attraction, s.t. that appeals. Ang Luníta usa sa mga atraksiyun sa Manílà, The Luneta park is one of …

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obscene ENGLISH

Inauspicious; ill-omened.

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Hwata, Hwatung LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. Augury; divination

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The descending, and commonly branching, axis of a plant, increasing in length by growth at its extremity only, not divided …

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To move somewhat like an ambling horse; to go easily or without hard shocks.

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paneling ENGLISH

A forming in panels; panelwork.

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milliard ENGLISH

A thousand millions; -- called also billion. See Billion.

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kumbira CEBUANO

kumbira n a feast, sumptuous party. v [A; b] hold a feast. Kumbirahan ta ka ug makapasar ka sa burd. …

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padorós - To turn up one’s eyes, so as to show the white of the eyes. Nagapadorós siá sang íya …

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hayanghag HILIGAYNON

hayánghag - To gape, to raise one’s head and open one’s mouth in surprise or the like, look up in …

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bantulinaw CEBUANO

bantulínaw n k. o. shiny black or greyish-black olive shell, or a species with jet-black speckles.

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bukana CEBUANO

bukána n area where the waters of a river merge with the open sea.

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