"Accent" is a word in ENGLISH

accent ENGLISH

A superior force of voice or of articulative effort upon
some particular syllable of a word or a phrase, distinguishing it from
the others.

accent ENGLISH

The rhythmical accent, which marks phrases and sections of
a period.

accent ENGLISH

A special emphasis of a tone, even in the weaker part of
the measure.

accent ENGLISH

To mark emphatically; to emphasize.

accent ENGLISH

To express the accent of (either by the voice or by a
mark); to utter or to mark with accent.

accent ENGLISH

A mark used to denote feet and inches; as, 6' 10" is six
feet ten inches.

accent ENGLISH

A mark at the right hand of a number, indicating minutes of
a degree, seconds, etc.; as, 12'27", i. e., twelve minutes twenty
seven seconds.

accent ENGLISH

Modulation of the voice in speaking; manner of speaking or
pronouncing; peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice;
tone; as, a foreign accent; a French or a German accent.

accent ENGLISH

Stress laid on certain syllables of a verse.

accent ENGLISH

A word; a significant tone

accent ENGLISH

expressions in general; speech.

accent ENGLISH

A mark placed at the right hand of a letter, and a little
above it, to distinguish magnitudes of a similar kind expressed by the
same letter, but differing in value, as y', y".

accent ENGLISH

The expressive emphasis and shading of a passage.

accent ENGLISH

A regularly recurring stress upon the tone to mark the
beginning, and, more feebly, the third part of the measure.

accent ENGLISH

A mark or character used in writing, and serving to
regulate the pronunciation; esp.: (a) a mark to indicate the nature and
place of the spoken accent; (b) a mark to indicate the quality of sound
of the vowel marked; as, the French accents.

Few words of positivity

I don't think you have talent!! But... I guess Fuuka will do.I have no choice!

Kiyohiko Azuma, よつばと! 13

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the two Blondes that were found frozen to death in their car at the drive-in movie theater?They went to see "Closed for Winter".


A registry mark given by underwriters (as at Lloyd's) to ships in first-class condition. Inferior grades are indicated by A …

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abatement ENGLISH

A mark of dishonor on an escutcheon.

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abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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abrilata CEBUANO

abriláta n can opener. absin v [A2; b6] {1} absent, fail to attend work or class. Absínig kas-a nang klasíha …

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abstemious ENGLISH

Marked by, or spent in, abstinence; as, an abstemious life.

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accentuate ENGLISH

To mark with the written accent.

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accident ENGLISH

A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.

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A unit; a single point or spot on a card or die; the card or die so marked; as, the …

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aciculated ENGLISH

Marked with fine irregular streaks as if scratched by a needle.

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The act of growing to a thing; usually applled to the gradual and Imperceptible accumulation of land by nat-ural causes, …

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addition ENGLISH

Something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honor; -- opposed to abatement.

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addition ENGLISH

A title annexed to a man's name, to identify him more precisely; as, John Doe, Esq.; Richard Roe, Gent.; Robert …

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Ad Factum Priestandum LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. A name descriptive of a class of obligations marked by unusual severity. A debtor who is under …

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To fix or fasten upon, to attach to, inscribe, or impress upon, as a signature, a seal, a trade-mark. Pen. …

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affront ENGLISH

To offend by some manifestation of disrespect; to insult to the face by demeanor or language; to treat with marked …

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affront ENGLISH

Contemptuous or rude treatment which excites or justifies resentment; marked disrespect; a purposed indignity; insult.

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To grow aged; to become old; to show marks of age; as, he grew fat as he aged.

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Agi (2) - mark; footstep

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aksintu CEBUANO

aksintu n accent, mark. v [A3; b6] put an accent, mark.

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alas (not without l) n ace, a card or die marked with a single spot. v [B23; a12] be an …

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