"Longing" is a word in ENGLISH

longing ENGLISH

An eager desire; a craving; a morbid appetite; an earnest
wish; an aspiration.

longing ENGLISH

of Long

Few words of positivity

No difficulty can discourage, no obstacle dismay, no trouble dishearten the man who has acquired the art of being alive. Difficulties are but dares of fate, obstacles but hurdles to try his skill, troubles but bitter tonics to give him strength; and he rises higher and looms greater after each encounter with adversity.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do Polish police cars have stripes on the side?A: So the cops can find the handles.

acclamation ENGLISH

A shout of approbation, favor, or assent; eager expression of approval; loud applause.

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Gaping, as with wonder, expectation, or eager attention.

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adj. /NA-/ diligent, assiduous, industrious, eager. v. /AC-, -UM-/ to be diligent, assiduous, industrious, eager. Umagawa ka tapno maturpos mo …

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In eager desire; eager; astir.

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agrisiba CEBUANO

agrisíba a {1} = agrisíbu, (female). {2} aggressive, eager for sex. Agrisíba kunu ang mga mistísa, They say the mestiza …

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alimbukad CEBUANO

alimbúkad (from bukad) v [A2S] {1} expand in an upward di-rection, well upwards. Mialimbúkad ang asu pagkasúnug sa asíti sa …

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ambisyón - (Sp. ambicion) Ambition, covetousness, an eager or inordinate desire. (cf. hánggab, hingamó, íbug, lúyag).

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ambition ENGLISH

An eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something.

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ambition ENGLISH

To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet.

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adj. /NA-/ fond of, eager, diligent. Naanep nga mapan ditoy diay aso yo. Your dog is fond of coming here.

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anhele ENGLISH

To pant; to be breathlessly anxious or eager (for).

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ánsyas - (Sp. ansia, ansiar) Eagerness, anxiety, desire for; to be eager, anxious, to desire, hanker after or crave; want; …

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anxiety ENGLISH
appetency ENGLISH

Fixed and strong desire; esp. natural desire; a craving; an eager appetite.

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appetent ENGLISH

Desiring; eagerly desirous.

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appetite ENGLISH

Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing.

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ardency ENGLISH

Warmth of passion or affection; ardor; vehemence; eagerness; as, the ardency of love or zeal.

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ardently ENGLISH

In an ardent manner; eagerly; with warmth; affectionately; passionately.

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Warmth or heat of passion or affection; eagerness; zeal; as, he pursues study with ardor; the fought with ardor; martial …

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aspirant ENGLISH

One who aspires; one who eagerly seeks some high position or object of attainment.

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