"Agrisiba" is a word in CEBUANO

agrisiba CEBUANO

agrisíba a {1} = agrisíbu, (female).
{2} aggressive, eager for sex.
Agrisíba kunu ang mga mistísa, They say the mestiza girls are sexually aggressive.
v [B12] be sexually aggressive.

Few words of positivity

It has always been my belief that I, too, will die by violence. I have done all that I can to be prepared.

Malcom X

Laugh your heart out.

Three Pastors from the south were having lunch in a diner. One said, "Ya know, since summer started I've been having trouble with bats in my loft and attic at church. I've tried everything-noise, spray, cats-nothing seems to scare them away. Another said, "Yea, me too. I've got hundreds living in my belfry and in the attic. I've even had the place fumigated, and they won't go away." The third said, "I baptized all mine, and made them members of the church... Haven't seen one back since!"


líhuk v {1} [A2S] move. Búhì pa diay ang isdà kay naglihuk, The fish is still alive because it is …

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tiksas CEBUANO

tiksas n {1} k. o. fierce gamecock (said to be bred from stock im-ported from Texas). {2} girl who is …

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