"Lamang" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


lámang - Only, just, simply, merely, solely,
barely, but, excepting that, not more than.
Indì lámang kay (Indì lámang nga)——,
kóndì——. Not only——, but——.


lámang - To do or take something without
more ado, without investigation, believing
the object taken to belong to oneself. Indì
ka maglámang sang ákon nga sángkap.
Don’t take, or make use of, my tools
without permission, don’t say: "I’ll just
(lámang) take them”. Ginlamángan ko
ang ímo tulún-an, kay dúmdum ko nga
ákon. I took your book thinking it was
mine. Kon maglakát ka buás sa ága pa
gid, mutáron mo sing maáyo ang mga
kálò sa saláb-ítan; básì malamángan mo
ang ákon kag madalá mo sa malayô mo
nga kaladtoán. When you leave early tomorrow morning, have a good look at the
hats on the hat-stand; for otherwise you
might get hold of mine and take it along on
your far journey. (cf. lábni).

lamang TAGALOG

Definition: see lamang1 see lamang2 see lamang3

lamang TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) advantage over others

lamang CEBUANO

lámang short form: lang.
only, just.
{1} merely, [do] nothing more than.
Naglingkud lang siya didtu ug walà magtingug, He just sat there without saying anything.
Mutsátsu lang siya unyà magbuut, Hes just a houseboy, but he wants to have the say.
Walà ku muanhi arun lang kasab-an, I didnt come here merely to get a scolding.
Ígù lang siya sa paghílak, All she could do was cry.
She was merely up to crying.
) Káwang lang ang ákung pag-antus, My su?
erings were all in vain (nothing more than vain).
Barátu ni kay písus lang, This is cheap because it is only a peso.
Tú lang ákung gidá, I only brought three.
{1a} with commands or exhortation: just do [so-and-so]its a small thing to do.
Hulata lang ku sa gawas, Just wait for me outside.
Maglakaw lang ta, duul ra man, Lets just walk.
Its not far.
{1b} sígi please [do], its just a little favor to ask.
Sígi lang.
Tugti lang ku, Come on.
Please, let me do it.
{1c} with negatives: not bother to do.
Dì lang ta mangatúlug rung gabíi, Lets not bother going to sleep this evening.
{1c1} walà (dílì) .
kun dílì not only .
but also .
Dì lang ang inahan kun dì hasta anak maapiktahan, Not only the mother but also the child will be a?
{1d} basta just so it happens, though it isnt desirable.
Iwarì lang nà.
Basta lang mawálà sa ákung panan-aw, Get rid of it.
Just so it gets out of my sight.
{1e} karun, bag-u, gahápun just now, just recently, just yesterday.
Karun lang siya miabut, He just arrived now.
Bag-u lang silang namalhin, They just recently moved.
Gahápun lang siya maulì, He just went home yesterday.
{1f} [expression of time] just do at [such-and-such time] (and no other time).
Mahuybis lang sila mamasúra, They just collect garbage on Thursdays.
{1g} balu, ambut gee, I dont know (Im only up to saying I dont know).
{1h} dipindi, sigun , sa [verb] depending on.
Ákung ibaligyà sa makauna lang, Ill sell it to whoever is first.
Sigun lang sa prisyu, It depends on the price.
{1i} gáni, gáling the only thing wrong.
Maáyu untà, gáling lang nasayup ang miskla, It should have been good, only the mixture was in the wrong proportions.
{2} just, take [so-and-so] rather than some other choice.
{2a} with nominal predicate and verb subject: let [so-and-so] do it.
Aku lay dá áni bi, There, let me carry this.
Ikaw lay pangutána, You ask.
let you be the one to ask.
) {2a1} [pronoun, noun] [so-and-so] will take the consequences.
Ug ímung buhátun, ikaw lang, If you do it, you take the responsibility.
{2b} with quantities: just make it [so-and-so] much.
Trayinta lang ni ha?
Can I have it for thirty?
{2b1} anhi, dinhi, nganhi only up to here.
Anhi lang ku dinhi manáug, Ill just get o?
{2c} with verb: take the choice of [do]ing.
Ang isdang dílì mahálin gamsun lang, dílì bularun, If they cant sell the fish, they just salt it.
They dont dry it.
Ayaw lag anhi ugmà, kay mahímu man sa Huybis, Dont bother coming tomorrow because you can do it on Thursday.
sígi {2c1} never mind.
{2c2} well, all right, Ill agree to it.
Sígi lang.
Dì lang ku mudayug palit kay mahal, Never mind.
I wont buy it because its expensive.
Sígi lang, itúgut ku na lang nig bayinti, Oh, all right.
Ill let you have it for twenty centavos.
ákù (íya, ímu) just let me (him) have it rather than s.
Ákù lang ni.
Kadtu lay ihátag ni Pidru, Let me have this one.
Just let Pedro have the other one.
{2c3} cant help [do]ing.
Mahadluk lang ta bisan sa pagpanimátì lang, We cant help getting cold shivers, even just hearing about it.
{2c4} mau {2c4a} it cannot be otherwise.
Mu ba siya ang nakaingun?
Mu lang!
Is he the one that caused it?
Of course!
Who else could it have been.
{2c4b} yes, most certainly so.
Mukáun kag surbíti?
Káun mu lang, Would you like to eat ice cream?
I sure would.
{3} na {3a} now it is only [so-and-so much] where it was more before.
Sukad sila namalhin aku na lang ang nahibilin, After they moved away I was the only one left.
Human na ang tanan, paglimpiyu na lang, Everything is done.
Only the cleaning remains.
Duul na lang ang átung gidulngan, It is just a little way further to where were going.
{3b} just take [so-and-so] rather than some other manifestly better choice.
{3b1} with nominal predicate and verb subject: [so-and-so] will do it, though it should not be so.
Aku na lay tiwas áni, kay madúgay ug láing táwu, Let me just do this myself because it would take forever if s.
else were to do it.
{3b2} with quantities: just make it [so-and-so much] (which is less than what one would ordinarily get).
Trayinta na lang ni, ha?
Just let me have it for thirty, this time, all right?
{3b2a} anhi just here (when I really want to do it elsewhere).
Kay lisud man ug musúd, anhi na lang ku sa iskína manáug, Since its di?
cult to take a vehicle in, Ill just get o?
at the corner.
{3b3} [do] as the best choice under the circumstances.
Gamsa na lang nang isdáa kay wà nay mupalit, You might as well just salt that fish because there isnt anybody wholl buy it.
Ayaw na lag dad-a ug bug-atan ka, Dont bother taking it if you find it too heavy.
sígi na = sígi lámang.
ákù, íya na let me (him) have it (although you might have s.t.
better to do with it).
Ákù na lang ni, ha?
Let me have it, may I?
salámat na I thank you, since I cant pay you any other way.
Ug dì ka pabáyad, salámat na lang, Since you wont let me pay you, just let me thank you.
{3c} cant help [do]ing.
Sa tantung kapungut nalímut na lang siya sa íyang kaugalíngun, He was so angry he just forgot himself.
{3c1} following expressions referring to time: its already [so-and-so] late and s.t.
still hasnt happened or hasnt stopped happening.
Udtu na lang ug naglúkun lang gihápun sa banig, Its already noon, and hes still curled up asleep.
Gabíi na lang wà gihápun siya, Its already night and he still has not come home.
{3c2} dayag, kláru na obviously, cant help being that way.
Kláru na lang nga muhílak ug ímung kusiun, Obviously hes going to cry if you pinch him.
{3c3} salámat na nga the only saving grace was.
Malumus untà ku.
Salámat na lang nga dinhay nakakità nákù, I would have drowned, but thank God, s.
saw me.
{4} pa {4a} following expression of time: {4a1} [such-and-such] was the first.
Karun pa lang ku makakità sa ingun, This is the very first time I ever saw anything like that.
{4a2} if it was so at [such-and-such] a time already, it would be even worse later.
Sa súgud pa lang nahanákan na siya, At the very beginning he was already out of breath.
{4a3} [so-and-so] just happened now.
Karun pa lang siya muabut, He just arrived now.
Daw kagahápun pa lang, It seems like only yesterday.
{4b} lest [so-and-so] happen.
Dì ku mudúul sa irù kay paákun pa lang ku, I wont go near the dog, because I might get bitten.
{4c} if [so-and-so] had been the case.
Dì pa lang ka amígu nákù, ikíha ta ka, If you were not my friend, I would have filed a case against you.
Aku pa lay gipabúhat, gwápu tag ági, if they had told me to do it, it would have come out nice.

lamang TAGALOG

Definition: (part) only

lamang TAGALOG

Active Verb: manglamang
Passive Verb: lamangan
Definition: (verb) to take advantage of others
Examples: 1) Nais niyang lamangan ang kanyang kapatid sa paghahati ng ari-arian ng kanilang magulang. (He wants to have the advantage over his brother in the partition of their parents' property.)

Few words of positivity

Hey,” Shayne said through the door. “You going to stay in there all night, because we’re getting tired of trying to eavesdrop from out here. Can’t hear a damn thing.

Jill Shalvis, Smart and Sexy

Laugh your heart out.

Marley stopped at the town barbershop for a haircut. After thirty-five minutes of snipping and cutting, the barber held a mirror behind Marley's head."How you like it?" asked the barber. "Real fine," said the redneck. "But how 'bout making it a little longer in the back?"


-a - A suffix of verbs that have a passive in on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses: 1.) …

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abandunar CEBUANO

abandunar v [A3P; c1] abandon, neglect. Nag-abandunar na lang siya sa íyang kaugalíngun sukad mamatay ang íyang asáwa, He neglected …

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ábi {1} [gen. ] [gen. ] thought, took for granted. Ábi nákug tinúud, I thought it was true. nímu You …

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abli v [AB; b5] {1} open s.t. , be open. Ikaw bay nag-abli sa pultahan? Were you the one who …

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abri birat v [A; b6] yield to a man under threat (humorous-from the pidgin Japanese for abríhi ang bilat used …

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ábri - (Sp. abrir) To unlock, unfasten, open; to begin, commence, said of schools, classes, sessions, meetings, etc. Abrihi ang …

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abusar CEBUANO

abusar v {1} [A3; b(1)] a do s.t. one is not entitled to, take advantage of s. o. by infringing …

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abyug v [A; c1] rock s.t. hanging back and forth. Abyúga (iabyug) lang ang bátà sa dúyan kun muhílak na, …

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adiyus CEBUANO

adiyus, adiyús {1} farewell (literary). {2} na lámang never mind, forget about s.t. expended for nothing. Ug mupahulam ka níyag …

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adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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adlib v [A; b6] deliver s.t. extemporaneously without any script. Kinahanglan sa usa ka anawunsir nga maáyu muadlib, Its necessary …

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agáng {1} exclamation uttered upon experiencing pain. Agáng sakíta! Ouch, how painful! {2} exclamation of disbelief or dis-gust. Agáng, ikaw …

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agáy-ay - Decomposition, rottenness, decay, blight, produced by the action of small worms, vermin, insects, parasites (both vegetable and animal), …

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aghuy v [A; ab5] shout over distance to attract attention. Adtúa na lang; ayaw na lang aghuya (aghuyi), Just go …

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ági v [A2S3S; b6] {1} go by, through a place. Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I wont go …

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agut a {1} simple-minded. Dalì mutúu ang agut, The simple-minded fool believes anything you tell him. {2} slow, stunted in …

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agwáhi - Snta, (Sp. aguantar) To bear, tolerate, suffer, let pass, put up with. Dáw dílì na akó makaagwánta sinâ. …

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agwanta CEBUANO

agwanta v {1} [A; a12] endure, put up with. Walay pawntin-ping muagwanta ánang ímung ginawian, No pen can last the …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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aktuwal CEBUANO

aktuwal n sa {1} at the very moment. Sa aktuwal na giyud siya midágan, gitirúhan dáyun, The very moment he …

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