"Kittib" is a word in ILOKANO

kittib ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to bite off little by little, to nibble. Kinittib na diay tagapulot. He nibbled the hard sugar. KIUTEKS [kiutεks; f. Eng.], n. nail polish.

Few words of positivity

She had thought she knew what war was, but as their empty eyes and too-thin bodies etched themselves onto her soul, Vhalla realized she knew nothing at all. They were all boys and girls playing at war, writing their own songs the bards would sing. But the bards never sang about this. Suddenly the faces of the people she had killed came back to her. We are monsters.

Elise Kova, Earth's End

Laugh your heart out.

One of the bachelors in the apartment development sneaked upbehind an older woman, covered her eyes with his hands, and said, "I'mgoing to kiss you if you can't tell me who I am in three guesses."She quickly answered, "George Washington! Thomas Jefferson!Abraham Lincoln!"


ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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ági v [A2S3S; b6] {1} go by, through a place. Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I wont go …

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agut a {1} simple-minded. Dalì mutúu ang agut, The simple-minded fool believes anything you tell him. {2} slow, stunted in …

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agúut a for s.t. soft or smooth to have a sandy, gritty texture because of improper cooking or some hard …

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agwada CEBUANO

agwáda v [A; a2] fetch water. Agwadáhan lang tikag túbig, Ill fetch water for you. paN- v [A2] fetch water …

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aksidu CEBUANO

aksidu n acid, usually hydrochloric acid. v [A] put acid. Ak-siduhan nímug diyútay ang batiríya, Put a little acid in …

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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alinggat CEBUANO

alinggat v [A12; b8] be aware, take notice of s.t. Nakaalinggat ka ba nga niwangniwang na run si Tasya? Have …

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angul, ángul v [B126] be injured to the point of incapacity. Tulu ang naángul sa aksidinti, Three people were injured …

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apíki a {1} inadequate in space. Apíki ang gamayng balay pára kanámung tanan, A small house is inadequate for all …

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asayti CEBUANO

asayti n lubricating oil. v [A1; b] apply lubricating oil. Asaytíhig diyútay arun dílì muígut, Apply a little lubricating oil …

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asitun CEBUANO

asitun n acetone. v [b(1)] put or apply acetone. Asitunan lag diyútay ug mahuswà ang kútiks, Just apply a little …

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báag n a small preparation of food for a get-together. Ug dúnay báag sa inyu muadtu ku, Ill go to …

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babaw n place up s.w. hiN-haN-(), hiN-haN- v [B5] get to be almost full. Muhimábaw (muhimabaw) na gánì ang baldi, …

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badingding CEBUANO

badingding n term of endearment to a baby. Kumusta ang ákung badingding? How is my little darling? a very dear. …

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balighut CEBUANO

balighut n bow, loop, that can be easily untied by pulling one end of the string. v [A; b6(1)] tie …

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barat a {1} cheap, petty: refusing to pay a reasonable price and heeding matters not worth ones attention. {2} cheap, …

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basà a {1} wet. {2} watery, soft. Dì ku gustug kan-un nga basà ang pagkalútù, I dont like rice with …

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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batal n hardened part on an otherwise soft or medium-soft sur-face. Dúnay batal sa abukádu, There was a hard spot …

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