"Impressed" is a word in ENGLISH

impressed ENGLISH

of Impress

Few words of positivity

Become aware of the physical distance and spatial orientation that you experience while in the company of others. Being empathetic and sensitive to a person’s physical comfort zone can have a huge effect on the way in which you are received and perceived.

Susan C. Young, The Art of Body Language: 8 Ways to Optimize Non-Verbal Communication for Positive Impact

Laugh your heart out.

Judge: Are you married?A. No, I'm divorced.Judge. And what did your husband do before you divorced him?A. A lot of things I didn't know about.


ábtik - Dexterity, adroitness, skill, quickness, expertness in invention or execution; to be or become expert, adroit, dexterous, skillful. Bisán …

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Having nice or quick sensibility; susceptible to slight impressions; acting keenly on the senses; sharp; keen; intense; as, a man …

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acuteness ENGLISH

The faculty of nice discernment or perception; acumen; keenness; sharpness; sensitiveness; -- applied to the senses, or the understanding. By …

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adjure ENGLISH

To charge, bind, or command, solemnly, as if under oath, or under the penalty of a curse; to appeal to …

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affectively ENGLISH

In an affective manner; impressively; emotionally.

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To fix or fasten upon, to attach to, inscribe, or impress upon, as a signature, a seal, a trade-mark. Pen. …

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affright ENGLISH

To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm.

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affright ENGLISH

Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror.

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afraid ENGLISH

Impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive.

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after-image ENGLISH

The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed; also …

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An impression or image of anything on a seal. Cowell

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alikáya - Gay, sprightly, cheerful, cheery, merry, good-humoured; to be or become gay, etc. Alikáya nga nawóng. A gay expression. …

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Having susceptibility; easily impressed; having lively feelings, as opposed to apathy; sensitive.

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ámbong - Loveliness, prettiness, attractiveness; self-respect, tact, modesty; to be or become nice, pretty, lovely, selfrespecting, tactful, modest, etc. Magámbong …

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ambung CEBUANO

ambung -an a giving the illusion of bigness or bulk. Ambún-gan kang tan-áwun ánang sinináa, piru wà ka muángay, You …

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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anékdota - (Sp. anécdota) Anecdote, story, yarn. (cf. súgid, ági, tabô, inágyan, etc.). ang – ángkat ang, The definite article: …

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anticipate ENGLISH

To foretaste or foresee; to have a previous view or impression of; as, to anticipate the pleasures of a visit; …

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anticipation ENGLISH

Previous view or impression of what is to happen; instinctive prevision; foretaste; antepast; as, the anticipation of the joys of …

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áo, (aw) - An exclamation denoting surprise, used by people who have forgotten some important incidents in a story, etc. …

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