"Affright" is a word in ENGLISH

affright ENGLISH

To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to alarm.

affright ENGLISH

Sudden and great fear; terror. It expresses a stronger
impression than fear, or apprehension, perhaps less than terror.

affright ENGLISH

The act of frightening; also, a cause of terror; an
object of dread.

affright ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

The terms of poetry - some simple, some complicated, some ancient, some new - should bring us closer to what we're hearing, enlarging our experience of it, enabling us to describe what we're reading, to feel and think with greater precision.

Edward Hirsch

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Why is the Mississippi such an unusual river?Pupil: Because it has four eyes and can't see!


ágbaw - Dismay, alarm, terror, consternation; something that inspires fear or creates a panic; fearful, terrific. (cf. makahahádluk).

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agrise ENGLISH

To shudder with terror; to tremble with fear.

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Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being …

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appall ENGLISH

To depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear in such a manner that the mind shrinks, or loses …

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astonish ENGLISH

To strike with sudden fear, terror, or wonder; to amaze; to surprise greatly, as with something unaccountable; to confound with …

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awfully ENGLISH

In an awful manner; in a manner to fill with terror or awe; fearfully; reverently.

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dismay ENGLISH

Loss of courage and firmness through fear; overwhelming and disabling terror; a sinking of the spirits; consternation.

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Great fear in view of impending evil; fearful apprehension of danger; anticipatory terror.

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Exciting great fear or apprehension; causing terror; frightful; dreadful.

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dreadful ENGLISH

Full of dread or terror; fearful.

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espáda - (Sp. espada) Sword, sabre, falchion, scimitar, brand, rapier, side-arm. (cf. binángon, talibúng, sandúkò, ginúnting, kális). eskarláta – estudyánte …

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That which causes, or which is the object of, apprehension or alarm; source or occasion of terror; danger; dreadfulness.

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fearful ENGLISH

Inspiring fear or awe; exciting apprehension or terror; terrible; frightful; dreadful.

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fright ENGLISH

A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger; sudden and violent fear, usually of short duration; a …

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hádluk - Fear, fright, timidity, apprehension, anxiety, diffidence, consternation, alarm, dismay, dread, terror, awe, funk, scare, panic; to fear, be …

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hanguyús - To be in a state of fear, perturbation, trepidation, terror, agitation, to be all of a tremor, be …

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horror ENGLISH

A painful emotion of fear, dread, and abhorrence; a shuddering with terror and detestation; the feeling inspired by something frightful …

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kahádluk - Fear, fright, terror, scare, alarm, apprehension, panic. (hádluk).

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kahadlukan HILIGAYNON

kahadlukán - See kahádluk. Also: Fearful, dreadful, horrible, frightful; origin of fear, things that inspire terror or apprehension. (cf. kalahadlukán).

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