"Impair" is a word in ENGLISH

impair ENGLISH

To grow worse; to deteriorate.

impair ENGLISH

Not fit or appropriate.

impair ENGLISH

Diminution; injury.

impair ENGLISH

To make worse; to diminish in quantity, value,
excellence, or strength; to deteriorate; as, to impair health,
character, the mind, value.

Few words of positivity

My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an abbot with a trout ?Monkfish !


ábat v {1} [A; a1] feel with the hands, esp. to find s.t. out. Nag-ábat siya sa yáwi sa íyang …

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In French law, denotes a docu* ment, or formal, solemn writing, embodying a legal attestation that something has been done, …

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aggravate ENGLISH

To make worse, or more severe; to render less tolerable or less excusable; to make more offensive; to enhance; to …

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aggravating ENGLISH

Making worse or more heinous; as, aggravating circumstances.

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aggravation ENGLISH

The act of aggravating, or making worse; -- used of evils, natural or moral; the act of increasing in severity …

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ámo - To be the same, continue in the same state. The phrase "índì magkalaámo” means; It will not be …

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ámut n contribution. Pilay ámut sa salusálù káda usa? How much is each persons contribution to the party? v [A; …

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appair ENGLISH

To impair; to grow worse.

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backwards ENGLISH

From a better to a worse state, as from honor to shame, from religion to sin.

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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balhibu CEBUANO

balhíbu n hair on the body, but not pubic hairs, hair of animals, feathers. Bagà ang balhíbu sa íyang íluk, …

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barumbadu CEBUANO

barumbádu a {1} ill-mannered. Barumbádu nang anáka kay dì mangáyug katahúran sa íyang katiguwángan, That child is ill-mannered because he …

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bíyà v {1} [A; b(1)] leave a place, s.t. behind. Ngánung mibíyà ka man dinhi? Why did you leave? Kinsay …

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corrupt ENGLISH

Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a worse state; vitiated; depraved; debased; perverted; as, corrupt language; …

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corruption ENGLISH

The act of changing, or of being changed, for the worse; departure from what is pure, simple, or correct; as, …

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v. /-UM-/ to grow worse, worsen. Dumagel ti sakit na. His sickness grew worse. /MANGI-: I-/ to make feel worse. …

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dahan v {1} [B4; b4] for s.t. bad to persist, get worse. Nidahan ang íyang kabúang sa madiyung, Her madness …

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dalepdep ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to press the flat side or handle of a big knife (BUNENG) on a person with flu who …

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dalusó - To become worse through heat, applied to wounds, ulcers, etc. Nagdalusó ang íya nga pilás. His wound became …

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daug v {1} [A2; a12] outdo, overcome s. o. Dì giyud ka makadaug níya, You can never beat him. Gidaug …

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