"Gawat" is a word in ILOKANO


n. any period during which food is scarce; a period of drought

Few words of positivity

May all you affirm and believe be given the opportunity to manifest - day by day.

Eleesha, The Soulful Pathway To Affirmations: Soulfully Affirming Your Life's True Purpose & Destiny With the Power of Affirmations

Laugh your heart out.

What lives in the ocean, is grouchy and hates neighbours ? A hermit crab !


abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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administrasiyun n the administration incumbent at a certain period. Sa administrasiyun ni Garsíya, During Garcias admin-istration.

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agitung CEBUANO

agítung a burnt to charcoal. v [B2; c1] get burnt to become charcoal. Miagítung (naagítung) ang mais nga ákung gisugba, …

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Allegiance LAW AND LEGAL

By allegiance ls meant the obligation of fidelity and obedience whlch the lndlvldual owes to the govern-ment under which he …

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ánib n {1} chapter in a book. {2} a span of time in ones life. Ang panahun sa gúbat mauy …

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arinunos ILOKANO

n. the latter period (of), the terminal period (of), the period toward the end (of). Arinunos ti Disiembre idi naawat …

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Banishment LAW AND LEGAL

In criminal law. A punishment inflicted upon criminals, by com-pelling them to quit a city, place, or country for a …

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bannawag ILOKANO

n. the period before sunrise, dawn. --syn. PARBANGON. v. /AG-/ to approach this period, to be at the beginning of …

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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Biennially LAW AND LEGAL

This term, in a statute, signifies, not duration of time, but a period for the happening of an event; once …

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n. morning, the period of the day between sunrise and noon. BIGATEN. It is already morning. BIGAT KALMAN, yesterday morning. …

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bítay v [AB12S; c1] {1} hang s.t. up suspended, be hanging. Kinsay nagbítay sa parul? Who hung the lantern up? …

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budlay CEBUANO

budlay a tiring, tiresome. Budlay kaáyu ning magguna sa ínit, Its tiring to cut grass in the sun. Budlay kaáyu …

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The period which must be spent by a law-student in the office of a practising nttorney before ndmlssion to the …

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dáan a {1} old, not new. Dáang sinínà, An old dress. Nga Túgun Old Testament. {2} the one before, previous. …

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dakup v [A; ab2] {1} catch. Nadakup (hingdakpan) na ba ang kabáyù nga nakaguwà sa kural? Did you manage to …

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dala v {1} [A; a2] take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na …

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dalagan ILOKANO

n. 1. the period after childbirth during which the mother is restricted from going out of her room. 2. also, …

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dir-is CEBUANO

dir-is n ones monthly period. v [a4] be menstruating. Gidir-is siya maung gisáput, She is having her period. Thats why …

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dugtung CEBUANO

dugtung v {1} [A; ac] join end to end. Dugtúnga ang duha ka kadína, Join the two chains together. Dugtúnga …

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