"Elbowboard" is a word in ENGLISH

elbowboard ENGLISH

The base of a window casing, on which the elbows may

Few words of positivity

Not in all ways (of course), but the animals you know have power: they have abilities humans lack, could be dangerous, could bring life, mean things that mean things.

Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals

Laugh your heart out.

Minutes before the cremation, the undertaker quietly sat down next to the grieving widow. "How old was your husband?" he asked."He was ninety-eight," she answered softly. "Two years oder than I am.""Really?" the undertaker said. "Hardly worth going home, wouldn't you say?"

absinthate ENGLISH

A combination of absinthic acid with a base or positive radical.

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acephalous ENGLISH

Having the style spring from the base, instead of from the apex, as is the case in certain ovaries.

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acerate ENGLISH

A combination of aceric acid with a salifiable base.

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acetate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate …

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One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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acidimetry ENGLISH

The measurement of the strength of acids, especially by a chemical process based on the law of chemical combinations, or …

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acolyctine ENGLISH

An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum.

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acrotomous ENGLISH

Having a cleavage parallel with the base.

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actinost ENGLISH

One of the bones at the base of a paired fin of a fish.

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alanine ENGLISH

A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia.

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alisphenoidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to or forming the wing of the sphenoid; relating to a bone in the base of the skull, which …

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alkali ENGLISH

One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in …

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alkaloid ENGLISH

An organic base, especially one of a class of substances occurring ready formed in the tissues of plants and the …

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alloxanate ENGLISH

A combination of alloxanic acid and a base or base or positive radical.

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altitude ENGLISH

The perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit, or to the side parallel to the base; …

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aluminium ENGLISH

The metallic base of alumina. This metal is white, but with a bluish tinge, and is remarkable for its resistance …

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ambreate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the combination of ambreic acid with a base or positive radical.

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amphid ENGLISH

A salt of the class formed by the combination of an acid and a base, or by the union of …

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amplexicaul ENGLISH

Clasping or embracing a stem, as the base of some leaves.

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-an su? x forming verb bases to which the prefixes mag-, tig-and pag- may be added. The verb with these …

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