"Conclusively" is a word in ENGLISH

conclusively ENGLISH

In the way of conclusion; decisively; positively.

Few words of positivity

I will say that if my wildest dreams come true, I will, like, wake up one day, and I will be Carol Dweck, right? Because she is like everything I want to be.

Angela Duckworth

Laugh your heart out.

A young accountant spends a week at his new office with the retiring accountant he is replacing. Each and every morning as the more experienced accountant begins the day, he opens his desk drawer, takes out a worn envelope, removes a yellowing sheet of paper, reads it, nods his head, looks around the room with renewed vigor, returns the envelope to the drawer, and then begins his day's work.After he retires, the new accountant can hardly wait to read for himself the message contained in the envelope in the drawer, particularly since he feels so inadequate in replacing the far wiser and more highly esteemed accountant. Surely, he thinks to himself, it must contain the great secret to his success, a wondrous treasure of inspiration and motivation. His fingers tremble anxiously as he removes the mysterious envelope from the drawer and reads the following message:"Debits in the column toward t he file cabinet.Credits in the column toward the window."


v. /AG-:-AN/ to wait for (a person, a bus, etc.) in the way. Agabang kayo iti transit. You wait for …

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abaniku CEBUANO

abaníku n {1} folding fan. {1a} fan of any sort for fanning one-self. {2} blackberry lily, k. o. bulbous ornamental: …

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abat n {1} any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. …

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Abatamentum LAW AND LEGAL

L. Lat In old Eng-lish law. An abatement of freehold; an en-try upon lands by way of Interposition be-tween the …

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abatement ENGLISH

The amount abated; that which is taken away by way of reduction; deduction; decrease; a rebate or discount allowed.

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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aberrancy ENGLISH

State of being aberrant; a wandering from the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude, etc.

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aberrant ENGLISH

Wandering; straying from the right way.

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abhak v [A; b5] diminish s.t. by taking away or destroying part of it. Naabhak (naabhákan) ang íyang abága sa …

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abis v [A; ab7] slice with a curved blade, cut a small or thin part from a bigger piece. Abisig …

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In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; as, a mile about, and a third of a mile …

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abóyon - (B) Abóyon without prefix is not in use; paabóyon is employed in the sense of: To accede to …

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abrap a {1} sudden. Abrap ra kaáyu nang ímung pag-anhi, Your coming is very sudden. {2} brusque. v [B12; c1] …

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without this. These are technical words of denial, used ln plead-ing at common law by way of special traverse, to …

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Abstract Of Title LAW AND LEGAL

A condensed' history of tbe title to land, consisting of a synopsis or summary of the material or op-erative portion …

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abstruse ENGLISH

Concealed or hidden out of the way.

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abtik a {1} nimble, quick in reaction. Ang musáyaw sa tinikling kinahanglang abtik ug tiil, Whoever dances the tinikling has …

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ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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abung, abung HILIGAYNON

ábung, abúng - To intercept, stop, catch (by crossing one’s way, or the like). Pinaabúngan (Pinaabungán) silá níya sa mga …

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abusar CEBUANO

abusar v {1} [A3; b(1)] a do s.t. one is not entitled to, take advantage of s. o. by infringing …

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