"Yam-Ang" is a word in CEBUANO

yam-ang CEBUANO

yam-ang v {1} [B; ac1] do s.t.
in a careless way, careless in ones behavior without regard to propriety.
Siyay nagyam-ang niánang mga plátu dihà sa lamísa, She just tossed the plates anywhere on the table.
Ayaw ug yam-ánga (iyam-ang) ang ímung sinultihan kay pikun ang mga táwu dinhi, Be careful about the way you talk because the people here are quick to take o?
{2} [AN; b(1)] destroy, besmirch.
Siya ang miyam-ang (nangyam-ang) niánang istatúwa, He was the one who marred that statue.
Makayam-ang (makapangyam-ang) ka pagsulti kun-tra kaníya kay náa may ímung gisalígan, You can say bad things against her because you have s.
behind you.
-an() a {1} care-less and not paying enough attention.
Yam-angan kaáyu nang bayhána maglingkud.
Makítà ang panti, That woman is careless about the way she sits.
You can see her panties.
{2} careless, not giving a hoot.

Few words of positivity

If you're looking for an enemy, stop imagining it's one group or another. All mankind is your enemy, including yourself.

T.J. Kirk

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the goal post get angry ?Because the bar was rattled !

alimpapaw HILIGAYNON

alimpapáw - Superficial, on the surface, not deep, not from the heart, hypocritical, insincere, cool, merely formal; careless, perfunctory, negligent. …

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alunga-og HILIGAYNON

alunga-óg - Tasteless, stale, vapid, stagnant; not well done, underdone, insufficiently or badly cooked, performed carelessly or negligently. Alunga-óg nga …

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árab v [AB; c1] burn s.t. with a rapid bright flame and then die down. Ang kaláyu miárab sa kakugnan, …

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así-así - (Sp. asi, asi) So-so, indifferent, middling, mediocre; of no special value, ordinary, of the common run; to do …

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ayang-ang CEBUANO

ayang-ang a in full view, uncovered. v [B] be open to full view. Muayang-ang gánì ang pultahan, musulud dáyun ang …

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ayri n air that gets into s. o. s body causing disorder. Kuyaw sa ayri nang paságad lag indiksiyun, If …

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balasubas HILIGAYNON

balasúbas - Careless, desultory, botched, bungled, not well done or made, scamped. Balasúbas ang pagbúhat sang pánday sang ákon lamésa. …

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balingag CEBUANO

balingag a careless, inattentive to what one is about. Balingag ka man gud, mu nang nakalimtan nímu ang malíta, Youre …

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bául - Rough, not well made or done, botched, bungled, scamped; to do ——, make ——, perform ——, something—, act—, …

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bayat a {1} worn-out, dilapidated, esp. clothes. {2} poor in quality. {3} slovenly in dress. Bayat ang ákung pamisti run …

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bugaguy CEBUANO

bugaguy n stupid, having little or no judgment or common sense. Ang mga bugaguy nagtangà lang. Maung nakaiskápu ang dinakpan, …

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burusanggal HILIGAYNON

burusánggal - (B) Packed, stuffed, crammed, chock-full, choke-full; slovenly, untidy, fastened carelessly (of a skirt, etc.). Burusánggal ang pamatádyong níya. …

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butánwan - (B) To drop, let fall. Andam ka, kay básì mabutánwan mo ang pínggan. Be careful not to drop …

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dagol-dagol HILIGAYNON

dagól-dagól - Desultory, careless, negligent; to perform carelessly, etc. Gindagóldagól mo lang ang pagplántsa dagóldol – dahílan sang ákon báyò. …

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dakul-dakul HILIGAYNON

dakúl-dakúl - Careless, heedless, indifferent, inattentive, unmindful slovenly, hurried, negligent, routine, perfunctory, off hand, without proper care or attention; to …

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damak a careless in attending to small, trivial things. Damak. Way panudlay, way pamatúnis, Hes careless. He doesnt comb his …

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dampug CEBUANO

dampug v [A; c] put s.t. s.w. carelessly. Idampug lang sa daplin ang bulingun, Just throw the dirty clothes to …

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dan-uk CEBUANO

dan-uk v [A13; c] {1} dump s.t. s.w. carelessly. Ayaw idan-uk sa suuk ang inyung mga bulingun, Dont just dump …

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dasngag CEBUANO

dasngag a careless, inattentive to what one is doing. v [B46; a] be careless and inattentive to ones work. Subra …

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dihà {1a} there (near addressee, far from speaker). Dihà ibu-tang, Put it down right there. Dihà tu nímu, You had …

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