"Dagol-Dagol" is a word in HILIGAYNON

dagol-dagol HILIGAYNON

dagól-dagól - Desultory, careless,
negligent; to perform carelessly, etc.
Gindagóldagól mo lang ang pagplántsa

dagóldol – dahílan
sang ákon báyò. You ironed my jacket very
carelessly. (cf. dakúldakúl).

dagol-dagol HILIGAYNON

dagól-dagól - To rattle, clatter. See
dagáldal, kadálkadál.

Few words of positivity

So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea.

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

Laugh your heart out.

Q: When is a bad time to cross a black cat?A: When you are a mouse!

akul-akul HILIGAYNON

akúl-akúl - Coarse, rough, badly done (of work); thoughtless, careless. (cf. dakúldakúl, dagóldagól).

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bául - Rough, not well made or done, botched, bungled, scamped; to do ——, make ——, perform ——, something—, act—, …

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dakul-dakul HILIGAYNON

dakúl-dakúl - Careless, heedless, indifferent, inattentive, unmindful slovenly, hurried, negligent, routine, perfunctory, off hand, without proper care or attention; to …

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