"Water Rabbit" is a word in ENGLISH

water rabbit ENGLISH

See Water hare.

Few words of positivity

Life without Ethan was something worse than a nightmare.It was real.So real that I refused to believe it.

Kami Garcia, Beautiful Redemption

Laugh your heart out.

How many architects does it take to change a light bulb?Just one, but he has to coordinate ten other professionals who are doing this quiet complicated task.


A tube, conical ln form, intended to be applied to an aperture through which water passes, whereby the flow of …

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alamag CEBUANO

alámag n {1} reflected, luminescent light. Ang alámag nga ímung makítà sa túbig gíkan sa sugà sa mga mananagat, The …

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alatasán - (H) A water channel that can be drained for catching fish by the method of "átas”, (which see).

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alintabó - The rising of clouds of dust, the splashing or spraying of water and the like; to rise (of …

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alluvion ENGLISH

An accession of land gradually washed to the shore or bank by the flowing of water. See Accretion.

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A genus of fresh-water ganoid fishes, exclusively confined to North America; called bowfin in Lake Champlain, dogfish in Lake Erie, …

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amoeba ENGLISH

A rhizopod. common in fresh water, capable of undergoing many changes of form at will. See Rhizopoda.

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amphipoda ENGLISH

A numerous group of fourteen -- footed Crustacea, inhabiting both fresh and salt water. The body is usually compressed laterally, …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ or /MANGI-: I-/ 1. to gather at the edge of table, floor, etc., e.g. dust. 2. to push …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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aplysia ENGLISH

A genus of marine mollusks of the order Tectibranchiata; the sea hare. Some of the species when disturbed throw out …

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A genus of fresh-water phyllopod crustaceans. See Phyllopod.

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arníbal - (Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús—the watery juice …

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ásik - See ágsik, ápok, ásang. Naasíkan akó sang túbig. I got splashed with water.

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astacus ENGLISH

A genus of crustaceans, containing the crawfish of fresh-water lobster of Europe, and allied species of western North America. See …

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atrium ENGLISH

A cavity in ascidians into which the intestine and generative ducts open, and which also receives the water from the …

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ba {1} question marker used in questions with no interrogative. Muanhi ka ba ugmà? Will you come here tomorrow? {1a} …

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balloon fish ENGLISH

A fish of the genus Diodon or the genus Tetraodon, having the power of distending its body by taking air …

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The two American fresh-water species of black bass (genus Micropterus). See Black bass.

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branchiopoda ENGLISH

An order of Entomostraca; -- so named from the feet of branchiopods having been supposed to perform the function of …

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