"Tris" is a word in CEBUANO


tris maríyas = alundris.


trís number three.
v {1} [B256; c1] get to be three, make s.t.
Mutrís na siya karung Marsu, Hell be three this March.
Hápit na siya matrís, di pa gihápun kalakaw, Hes almost three and he still cant walk.
Trísa (itrís) lang ning isdà, Let me have this fish for three pesos (lit.
make it three pesos).
{2} [A1] give or get three (pesos, centavos, etc.
Kinsang maistráha nagtrís nímu?
Which teacher gave you a grade of three?
Nakatrís ku sa paglinimpiya, I earned three pesos polishing shoes.
{3} [b] incur expenses amounting to three.
Hitrísan ku sa búlang, I lost three pesos in the cockpit.
alas three oclock.
andánas n three-storey building.
anyus three years.
tris-adus a {1} vision that is cross-eyed.
{2} three-to-two odds in betting.
v [A1] be cross-eyed.
Nagtris-adus ang ímung panan-aw, You are cross-eyed.
bandas n three-sided billiards, where the ball is made to bounce o?
three edges.
tris-idus = tris-adus.
kantus n three-edged blade, file, or anything that can have three edges.
kwartas three-fourths.
nuybis n in mahjong, a combination of three nines of di?
erent designs, one of the iksibisiyun combinations.
únus an iksibisiyun combination in mahjong of three ones.
-ay n betting for three (centavos, pesos) each time.
v [C] bet three each play.
Magtrisay tag baráha, Lets play cards with three-peso bets.
-un a of the three (peso, centavo) kind.
Trisun man nang gidak-úna, That size costs three pesos each.
tag- a three centavos (pesos) each.
tag-un a of the type that costs three centavos (pesos).

Few words of positivity

Evolution is true, but does that make it right?

Alan Chains, Return to Island X

Laugh your heart out.

Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first to respond.As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.Putting her face in her hands, she moaned: "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman!"


alíli - A loan contract, the loan to be paid, mostly at usurious interest, in agricultural products; to borrow money …

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ámot - Contribution, mite, offering, donation; subscription; to contribute, subscribe, donate, pay a share, donate in common with others, etc. …

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ápas v {1} [A2; a12b2] follow and catch up with. Muápas níya ang íyang asáwa sa Rúma, His wife will …

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ba {1} question marker used in questions with no interrogative. Muanhi ka ba ugmà? Will you come here tomorrow? {1a} …

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bále - (Sp. vale) A credit-note, chit; to be worth, to cost. Ang kusúg ni Pédro bále tátlo ni Huán. …

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bartiha CEBUANO

bartíha n {1} plank, board. Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn o? the wall. {2} …

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bayinti CEBUANO

bayinti number twenty. v see tris for conjugation. bayintihun n {1} twenty-centavo coin, twenty-peso bill. dya- n twenty-peso bill. únu, …

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binalighotan HILIGAYNON

binalighotán - Bound up in a knot, said particularly of a handkerchief or the like with knots for holding money …

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daláwat - (H) To buy cereals, especially rice or corn. Dalawáta ang bugás ko. Buy my hulled rice. Dalawáti akó …

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damids CEBUANO

dámids n expense in a treat, compulsory contribution, and the like (slang). Ang dámids sa ikskursiyun tris káda táwu, The …

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dáyis n {1} dice. {2} a game played with a dice. {2a} turn to throw the dice. {3} s.t. tricked …

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gáhab - Gain, profit, return, proceeds; to gain, profit, make (money) on. Pilá ang gáhab mo sa báboy nga ginbalígyà …

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higut v {1a} [A; b6(1)] tie s.t. up. Higti ang irù arun dì kapaak, Tie the dog up so it …

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hingáyaw - To supply what is wanting, fill up deficiencies, pay remaining debts, make up for what is short. Sán-o …

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húlug v {1} [A; c] drop, fall freely, cause s.t. to do so. Usa ka hinug nga búnga nahúlug, A …

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i {1} midiya half past. Alas tris i midiya, Three-thirty. {2} particle between Spanish numbers: [number] i [number] n [so-and-so …

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i- - A prefix used:— 1.) in forming all the passive tenses of many verbs having a passive in "i”. …

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impurti CEBUANO

impurti n value. Pilay impurti sa ímung singsing? How much is your ring worth? Káhuy nga impurtig trisyintus, Wood worth …

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istri n three, esp. three pesos (slang). Manan-aw tag sini, dúna kuy istri diri, Lets go and see a movie. …

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ka - A particle employed to connect a cardinal or ordinal numeral with a noun or with another numeral. "Ka” …

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