"Treacle" is a word in ENGLISH

treacle ENGLISH

A saccharine fluid, consisting of the inspissated juices
or decoctions of certain vegetables, as the sap of the birch, sycamore,
and the like.

treacle ENGLISH

A sovereign remedy; a cure.

treacle ENGLISH

A remedy against poison. See Theriac, 1.

treacle ENGLISH

Molasses; sometimes, specifically, the molasses which
drains from the sugar-refining molds, and which is also called
sugarhouse molasses.

Few words of positivity

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Antonio Porchia

Laugh your heart out.

A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. "I love my daughter, and now I welcome you into the family," said the man. "To show you how much we care for you, I'm making you a 50-50 partner in my business. All you have to do is go to the factory every day and learn the operations." The son-in-law interrupted, "I hate factories. I can't stand the noise." "I see," replied the father-in-law. "Well, then you'll work in the office and take charge of some of the operations." "I hate office work," said the son-on-law. "I can't stand being stuck behind a desk all day." "Wait a minute," said the father-in-law. "I just made you half-owner of a moneymaking organization, but you don't like factories and won't work in a office. What am I going to do with you?" "Easy," said the young man. "Buy me out."

abanga ENGLISH

A West Indian palm; also the fruit of this palm, the seeds of which are used as a remedy for …

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The removal, prostration, or destruction of that which causes a nuisance, whether by breaking or pulling it down, or otherwise …

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acology ENGLISH

Materia medica; the science of remedies.

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active ENGLISH

Implying or producing rapid action; as, an active disease; an active remedy.

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acupuncture ENGLISH

The insertion of needles into the living tissues for remedial purposes.

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administer ENGLISH

To apply, as medicine or a remedy; to give, as a dose or something beneficial or suitable. Extended to a …

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affusion ENGLISH

The act of pouring water or other fluid on the whole or a part of the body, as a remedy …

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n. medicine, remedy, cure. v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to treat with medicine, medicate on, cure (a wound, a disease, a sick …

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agutíng - Decay, rottenness, decomposition, caries of the teeth. Ang kalawág bulúng sa agutíng. The kalawágplant is a remedy for …

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agwása - (Sp. guasa, guason) Lively, cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to …

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albútra - A kind of medicinal plant and its seeds taken as a remedy against stomachache. (Perhaps from the Sp. …

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alchemy ENGLISH

An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for …

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alibotbot HILIGAYNON

alibótbot - A shrub, whose leaves are a remedy for headache and whose juice is made use of as a …

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allopathy ENGLISH

That system of medical practice which aims to combat disease by the use of remedies which produce effects different from …

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álom - A tree, whose bark is superstitiously worn by some in the form of a collar round the neck …

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ameliorative ENGLISH

Tending to ameliorate; producing amelioration or improvement; as, ameliorative remedies, efforts.

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anamnestic ENGLISH

Aiding the memory; as, anamnestic remedies.

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anaplerotic ENGLISH

A remedy which promotes such granulation.

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antacid ENGLISH

A remedy for acidity of the stomach, as an alkali or absorbent.

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antarthritic ENGLISH

A remedy against gout.

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