"Threatening Letters" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Threatening Letters LAW AND LEGAL

Sending threatening letters is the name of the offense ef sending letters containing threats of the kinds recognized by the statute as crlmlnal. See People v. Griffin, 2 Barb. (N. Y.) 429

Few words of positivity

Pictures must not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laugh your heart out.

That tornado damage your cow barn any?Dunno. Haven't found the durn thing yet!

accredit ENGLISH

To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize, as a messenger or delegate.

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ágda - To invite, to ask or request one’s presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo …

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correspond ENGLISH

To have intercourse or communion; especially, to hold intercourse or to communicate by sending and receiving letters; -- followed by …

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dalá - (H) Anything carried, brought, taken, conveyed or transported; to carry, transmit, bring—, take—, along, bear, convey, transfer, transport, …

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dangat CEBUANO

dángat v {1} [A2; b] reach, arrive at a place. Midángat mi sa ámung distínu, We arrived at our destination. …

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dispatch ENGLISH

To send off or away; -- particularly applied to sending off messengers, messages, letters, etc., on special business, and implying …

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To send, as a letter; as, please drop me a line, a letter, word.

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dúgay - (H) Long (of time); to spend a long time, last long, endure, abide, prolong, protract, tarry, linger, drag …

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forward ENGLISH

To send forward; to send toward the place of destination; to transmit; as, to forward a letter.

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The privilege of sending letters or other mail matter, free of postage, or without charge; also, the sign, mark, or …

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karta n letter sent by a prospective grooms parents to the parents of the prospective bride announcing that they will …

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kumusta CEBUANO

kumusta how is (was, are, etc. ). Kumusta ka? How are you? Kumusta ang ímung pagbisíta? How was your visit? …

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lakíp - Enclosed, inclosed, included, attached, joined to; to enclose, comprise, attach, include. Lakíp siní ginapadalá ko sa ímo ang——. …

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laktud CEBUANO

laktud a {1} direct, not going round about. Laktud ning dalána kay diritsu, This is the direct route because it …

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nayitklab CEBUANO

nayitklab n night club. v [A13; a12] make, make into a night club. -ing v [A1; c6] go night clubbing. …

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pa- - A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings: 1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum—downwards, down; paibábaw— …

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padalá - (H) Caus. of dalá. To send, transmit, despatch, forward, remit. Ipadalá iní sa íya. Send him this. Padálhi …

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pakibut CEBUANO

pakíbut v [c16] send letters by the paquebot mail service, for-merly provided by the Post O? ce, whereby a mailbox …

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paskan CEBUANO

paskan exclamation at the high degree s.t. is. Paskang iníta run! How hot it is today! nu it would be …

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sundalisa CEBUANO

sundalísa n a letter sent by a boys parents requesting an au-dience with a girls parents for the formal marriage …

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