"Agda" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


ágda - To invite, to ask or request one’s
presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda
mo na ang tanán mo nga mga ábyan?
Have you invited all your friends? Ang áton
piésta pagaagdahán ko sing madámù nga

agáy-ay – agnáya
mga Párì. I shall invite many priests to
assist at our feast. I shall request the
presence of many priests at our feast. Ari
na ang mga inágda. The invited guests are
now here. Nalipatán níya sa pagágda
sánday Pedro. Paagdahón ko siá sa íla or
ipaágda ko silá sa íya. He forgot to invite
Peter and his friends or Peter and his
family. I’ll make him invite them. Padálhan
ko siá kuntánì sing sulát nga iágda ko sa
íya, ápang walâ gánì akó kasáyod kon
diín siá nagapuyô karón. I should like to
send him a letter of invitation, but I do not
know where he is staying at present. (cf.
abiár, hágad, kángay.)
ágdan, ágdang Useful, serviceable, of
use, worth something, capable, reliable. (cf.
águd, pulús, yáwat, yádì).


agda v [AN; a12] invite s.
to do s.t.
Miagda (nangagda) ku níya ug pakigkalígù, I invited him to join me in going swimming.
Paghulat lag agdáhun kag káun, Just wait until youre invited to eat.
n request, invitation to s.
to do s.t.
alagdahun, agdahú-nun n one who has to be told to do things.
Ang alagdahung binatunan maáyu dáyung ilísan, A servant that needs a special invitation to work should be immediately replaced.

Few words of positivity

The best way to keep your daughter out of hot water is to put some dishes in it.

Bob Phillips

Laugh your heart out.

Why isn't there a Superpig? It's too hard for a pig to change clothes in a telephone booth.


abiár - (Sp. aviar) To provide for a journey, get things ready; to invite, treat to refreshments, etc. Abiahá siá. …

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aghat v {1} [A; a12b2] challenge s. o. to a fight. Aghátun siya nátug sumbagay, Lets challenge him to a …

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ákiat - To challenge, provoke, defy, invite to a combat. Akiatá siá. Defy him. Challenge him. Iákiat ko sa íya …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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alakápa - (Sp. a la capa) For appearance only, for politeness’ sake, coldly formal, not heartily or sincerely. Ginágda man …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to invite (someone) to be one’s partner in dancing; to invite (someone) to dance with oneself. Inka allupen …

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allure ENGLISH

To attempt to draw; to tempt by a lure or bait, that is, by the offer of some good, real …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to invite. Angayem amin nga gagayyem mo. Invite all your friends. --syn. IMBITAR.

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anyaya TAGALOG

anyaya Active Verb: mag-anyaya Passive Verb: anyayahan Definition: 1) invitation (noun) 2) to invite (verb) Examples: 1) Mag-anyaya ka ng …

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To invite; as, to ask one to an entertainment.

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atipán - Care, attention; to take care of, attend to, manage, look after. Atipaná ang mga dinápit. Attend to the …

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attract ENGLISH

To draw by influence of a moral or emotional kind; to engage or fix, as the mind, attention, etc.; to …

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attraction ENGLISH

The power or act of alluring, drawing to, inviting, or engaging; an attractive quality; as, the attraction of beauty or …

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attractive ENGLISH

Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing.

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v. /-UM-, MANG-:-EN/ to invite, urge to go; to attract. allure move, entice. Awisem nga mangan dayta sangailim. Invite your …

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bagit v {1} [A13] invite or provoke a bad outcome. Nagbagit ka giyud sa ímung kadaútan, You are certainly courting …

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balew, balew HILIGAYNON

baléw, bálew - See baléu. bálhag. To print, impress. Balhagí akó sing isá ka gatús nga pangágda. Print for me …

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báng-og - Decomposition, putrefaction, rottenness: to decompose, putrify, rot, spoil, go bad so as to be unpalatable or unfit, said …

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barkada CEBUANO

barkáda n people one goes around with. Giimbitar kung ákung mga barkáda sa ákung adlaw, I invited my cronies to …

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To invite; to call in; to request to come.

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