"Thousandth" is a word in ENGLISH

thousandth ENGLISH

Constituting, or being one of, a thousand equal parts
into which anything is divided; the tenth of a hundredth.

thousandth ENGLISH

Next in order after nine hundred and ninty-nine; coming
last of a thousand successive individuals or units; -- the ordinal of
thousand; as, the thousandth part of a thing.

thousandth ENGLISH

The quotient of a unit divided by a thousand; one of a
thousand equal parts into which a unit is divided.

thousandth ENGLISH

Occurring as being one of, or the last one of, a very
great number; very small; minute; -- used hyperbolically; as, to do a
thing for the thousandth time.

Few words of positivity

easily the best thing in her life at the moment was her secret.

Nick Hornby, Juliet, Naked

Laugh your heart out.

A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh, we'll never need that. My wife and I have a great relationship,"the husband explained. "She was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts." He continued, "She communicates well and I act like I'm listening."


abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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bákas n one who contributes capital to a venture. Ang ákung bákas dakug gipuhúnan sa ámung nigusyu, My partner has …

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báyad v {1} [A2S3S; b1] pay for s.t. Nagbayad mig kinyintus káda búlan, We paid five hundred a month. Bayran …

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bíyà v {1} [A; b(1)] leave a place, s.t. behind. Ngánung mibíyà ka man dinhi? Why did you leave? Kinsay …

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chiliast ENGLISH

One who believes in the second coming of Christ to reign on earth a thousand years; a milllenarian.

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ektárea - (Sp. hectárea) Hectare, a measure of surfaces (a hectare contains one hundred ares or ten thousand square metres).

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gangkap CEBUANO

gangkap a complete, whole. Gangkap ang íyang bisti sa kasal, Her wedding ensemble is complete. v {1} [A; b] make …

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gásto - (Sp. gasto) Expense, outlay, expenditure, disbursement; to spend, expend, disburse, pay out. Pilá ang gásto (ginagásto) mo sa …

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hagtak CEBUANO

hagtak v {1} [A; c] make a cracking or banging sound of objects on colliding or falling, drop s.t. making …

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Each one among many; an individual; -- often used in a plural sense; as, a thousand head of cattle.

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hinuun CEBUANO

Hinúun, gwápu siya, apan way trabáhu, To be sure, hes hand-some, but he doesnt have a job. gayud [so-and-so] is …

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honorary ENGLISH

A fee offered to professional men for their services; as, an honorarium of one thousand dollars.

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húlug v {1} [A; c] drop, fall freely, cause s.t. to do so. Usa ka hinug nga búnga nahúlug, A …

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kapasidad CEBUANO

kapasidad n {1} power one has to do s.t. , power of a machine. Sa kapasidad sa pagkaprisidinti, mabúhat nákù …

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kasa v [A; bc] bet on s.t. or an amount. Mukasa ka sa ákung manuk? Will you bet on my …

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kilowatt ENGLISH

One thousand watts.

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Relics of neolithic man found on the coast of Denmark, consisting of shell mounds, some of which are ten feet …

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Same as Lac, one hundred thousand.

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One hundred thousand; also, a vaguely great number; as, a lac of rupees.

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