"Taker" is a word in ENGLISH


One who takes or receives; one who catches or apprehends.

Few words of positivity

so here i sit. a sum of the parts. about a third way down this wonderful path, so to speak. and i've been thinking lately about a friendship that fell apart with time, with distance, and with the misunderstanding of youth. i'm trying not to confuse sadness with regret. not the easiest thing at times. i dont regret that certain things happened. i understand that perhaps i had a choice in the matter, or perhaps i believe in fate. probably not, but so far actions as small as the quickest glance to events as monumental as death have pushed me slowly along to right here, right now. there was no other way to get here. the meandering and erratic path was actually the straightest of lines. take away a handful of angry words, things once thought of as mistakes or regrets, and i'm suddenly a different person with a different history, a different future. that, i would regret. so here i sit. thinking about a person i once called my best friends. a man who might be full of sadness and regret, who might not give a damn, or who might, just might, remember the future and realize that's where its at.

Chris Wright

Laugh your heart out.

An elderly couple were driving across the country. The woman was driving when she got pulled over by the highway patrol. The officer said, "Ma'am did you know you were speeding?" The woman, hard of hearing, turned to her husband and asked, "What did he say?" The old man yelled, "He says you were speeding!" The patrolman said, "May I see your license?" The woman turned to her husband once again and asked, "What did he say?" The old man yelled, "He wants to see your license!" The woman gave the officer her license. The patrolman then said, "I see you are from Arkansas. I spent some time there once and went on a blind date with the ugliest woman I've ever seen." The woman turned to her husband and asked, "What did he say?" The old man yells, "He said he thinks he knows you!".


ábang v {1} [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the …

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Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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Lat (Pl., abigei, or more rarely abigeatores.) In the civil law. ' A stealer of cattle; one who drove or …

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abir {1} particle used in calling attention to a point in con-tention. Ang diyus makagagáhum. Abir, unsáun man nímu pagpangutána …

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ablative ENGLISH

Applied to one of the cases of the noun in Latin and some other languages, -- the fundamental meaning of …

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abrasíta - To hug—, clasp—, take—, in one’s arms. Nagaabrasitaháy silá. They are walking arm in arm. (cf. hakús, púgus, …

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absent ENGLISH

To take or withdraw (one's self) to such a distance as to prevent intercourse; -- used with the reflexive pronoun.

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absquatulate ENGLISH

To take one's self off; to decamp.

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abstraction ENGLISH

The taking surreptitiously for one's own use part of the property of another; purloining.

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abusar CEBUANO

abusar v {1} [A3; b(1)] a do s.t. one is not entitled to, take advantage of s. o. by infringing …

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abúsu n taking advantage, acting beyond ones rights. Ang pagdáwat sa suburnu usa sa mga abúsu, Taking bribes is one …

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accident ENGLISH

Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event; chance; …

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One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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In French law, denotes a docu* ment, or formal, solemn writing, embodying a legal attestation that something has been done, …

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A term employed to designate a locum tenens who ls performing the duties of an office to which he does …

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One who acts, or takes part in any affair; a doer.

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adiyus CEBUANO

adiyus, adiyús {1} farewell (literary). {2} na lámang never mind, forget about s.t. expended for nothing. Ug mupahulam ka níyag …

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adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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To allow, receive, or take; to suffer one to enter; to give possession; to license. Gregory v. United States, 17 …

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To take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally; to select and take or approve; as, to …

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