"Tabuk" is a word in CEBUANO


tabuk v {1} [A; ac] cross over, bring s.t.
across to the op-posite side.
Mutabuk na ta sa karsáda, Lets cross the street.
Kuyaw tabukun ning subáa kay sulug, This river is dangerous to cross because the current is strong.
Itabuk ning asin sa píkas p, Bring the salt across to the other island.
{1a} [A2; a] em-igrate to another island.
Mitabuk siya sa Mindanaw pamásin nga muasinsu, He migrated to Mindanao in the hope that he would be successful there.
{2} [A2; b6] move from one group or a?
liation to a rival one.
Ang Libiral nga diputádu mitabuk ngadtu sa Nasyunalista, The Liberal congressman crossed over to the Nacionalista Party.
n area on the other side, across the street.
Túa siya manarabáhu sa tabuk, He works on the other island (other bank).
-anan() n {1} ferryboat.
{2} small, make-shift bridge.
-anun() n people from across the street, the other island.
-l-un a to be reached by crossing a body of water.

Few words of positivity

A friend in power is a friend lost.

Henry Adams

Laugh your heart out.

There were 11 people hanging on to a single rope that suspended them from a helicopter trying to bring them to safety. Ten were men; one was a woman. They all decided that one person would have to let go because if they didn't, the rope would break and all of them would die. No one could decide who it should be. Finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying how she would give up her life to save the others, because women were used to giving things up for their husbands and children and giving in to men. All of the men started clapping.


abá - (B) The back, shoulder-blades, scapula; the breast of a bird, especially of a fowl; to carry on the …

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ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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ákig - (H) Anger, ire, wrath, rage, passion, choler, fury, indignation; to be or make angry, become angry, irate, wroth, …

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ámbak - (B) To jump down; to drop or fall down, as water over a precipice, etc. Ang túbig nagaámbak …

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atbang CEBUANO

atbang (from atubang) across, opposite. Ang íla atbang sa ámù, Their place is across from ours. sa hángin where one …

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bad-ay CEBUANO

bad-ay v {1} [B1] be placed transversely across. Nagbad-ay ang buktun sa bána sa tiyan sa íyang asáwa, The husbands …

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baktas CEBUANO

baktas v [A; a2] {1} traverse on foot. Taas pa ang ákung baktá-sun arun matúman ku ang ákung ginadamgu, I …

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balábag - Athwart, across, in the way; to lie or lay across, to thwart, stand—in the way,—in one’s path. Balabági …

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balabag CEBUANO

balábag v [A2S; c1] {1} lie across a path. Balabágun (ibábag) nátù pagbutang ang káhuy, Lets put the tree across …

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bálag v {1} [A123S; b8] find s.t. by running across. Nakabalag silag mga ismaglir sa lawud, They ran into some …

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balásbas - Oblique, diagonal, not vertical or horizontal, slanting; to be, become or make diagonal, etc. Ang balásbas dílì tíndog. …

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balsa n {1} sled consisting of a shaft hitched to a draft animal and a platform dragged along the ground. …

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bangal CEBUANO

bángal v [A12; b8] come across s.t. in the sea. Hibangalan ang mga pasahíru sa barkung nalúnud, They came across …

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bangday CEBUANO

bangday v [AB] be placed, place s.t. transversely across s.t. or pile up in criss-crossing fashion. Inig-abut níya mubanday dáyun …

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bángday - To lie one above or across another in irregular fashion. To place one above or across another. Ibángday …

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bastarda CEBUANO

bastarda v {1} [B; c1] set, be placed across s.t. diagonally. Nagbastarda ang hubug sa dálan, The drunk was lying …

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bílad v [AB; c1] widen, spread out, spread s.t. out. Ang bulad núkus mubílad kun ihúmul sa túbig, Dried squid …

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búlhang - To push through, to force one’s way through, pass unceremoniously through or in front of others. Sang nagasugilánon …

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buswat CEBUANO

buswat v [A; a1] lift s.t. heavy by putting the arms underneath it. Duha ka táwu ang nagbuswat sa samarun, …

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dailus CEBUANO

daílus v {1} [A; b6] move, slide or trickle slowly across or down on a surface. Inigsaylu sa balud mudaílus …

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