"Balasbas" is a word in ILOKANO, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO

balasbas ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to trim, e.g. a log, bamboo, etc. Binalasbasan na daydiay pinukan mo nga kawayan. He trimmed the bamboo that you felled.

balasbas ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to whip, beat, hit with a stick, a branch of a tree, etc. Saan mo nga balasbasan ta kabayo. Don’t whip that horse.


balásbas - Oblique, diagonal, not vertical
or horizontal, slanting; to be, become or
make diagonal, etc. Ang balásbas dílì
tíndog. What is oblique is not vertical.
Balasbasón mo ang pagtakúd sang láso sa
ákon báyò. Fasten the ribbon obliquely
across my jacket. Walâ níya pagtadlungá
ang pagarádo, kóndì ginbalásbas níya. He
did not plough straight across the field, but
diagonally, from corner to corner.
Ibalásbas iníng láso sa pakô sang ákon
báyò. Put this ribbon aslant across the
sleeve of my jacket.

balasbas CEBUANO

balasbas v {1} [AN; cP] go along parallel to s.t.
Ibalasbas (ipa-balasbas) pagdala ang káhuy sa asíras, Go along the sidewalk when you carry the wood.
{2} [A; c1] put s.t.
in a row parallel to s.t.
Ibalasbas (balasbása) ug tanum ang kapáyas sa ímung kural, Plant papayas along your fence.
n ornamental planted along walks ( = atay-átay.
see atay.

Few words of positivity

The energy of the mind is the essence of life.

Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the monster who had twelve arms and no legs? He was all fingers and thumbs.


-a - A suffix of verbs that have a passive in on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses: 1.) …

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abá - (B) The back, shoulder-blades, scapula; the breast of a bird, especially of a fowl; to carry on the …

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ab-ab v [B; b6] for a fire to be blazing. Miab-ab (naab-ab) na ang káyu pag-abut sa bumbíru, The fire …

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áb-ab - To eat or bite off a piece: to undermine and carry off, wash away (of water). Ab-abá lang …

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ab-ab v [A; a] {1} chew to pieces. Ab-ábun sa irù ang íyang hikut, The dog will chew up his …

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abága - The shoulder; to shoulder, carry on the shoulder. Dálha lang iní sa abága mo or abagáha lang ini. …

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abága n shoulder. v [A2SN; b5] {1} take financial responsibility. Abagáhun (pangabagáhun, pangabagáhan) ni Mánuy níya ang galastúhan sa pag-iskuyla, …

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abakada TAGALOG

abakada Definition: (noun) alphabet Examples: Ang mga bata ay nag-aral ng abakada sa paaralan. (The children studied the alphabet in …

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abala2 Active Verb: umabala Passive Verb: abalahin Definition: 1) delay, detention, disturbance (noun) 2) to trouble oneself over something or …

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abala1 Active Verb: mag-abala Definition: 1) delay, detention, disturbance (noun) 2) to trouble oneself over something or somebody -- mag-abala …

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abalu n assessed value. v [AB56; b5c] assess, be assessed at. Ug ikaw muabalu sa ákung yútà, ayawg dak-a, If …

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abalwasiyun CEBUANO

abalwasiyun n assessment. Purus dagkug abalwasiyun ang mga yútà dinhi sa syudad, The lots in the city all have high …

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ában - To finish, take away or off (a loom or the like). Abána ang ákon háblon sa madalî nga …

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abandunar CEBUANO

abandunar v [A3P; c1] abandon, neglect. Nag-abandunar na lang siya sa íyang kaugalíngun sukad mamatay ang íyang asáwa, He neglected …

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ábang v {1} [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the …

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ábang - To take within range or sweep (of fire, etc.). Sang pagkasúnug sang baláy ni Fuláno naábang man ang …

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abanid CEBUANO

abánid v [A; c1] do s.t. step by step, and in sequence. Iabánid (abaníra) kini pagpintal arun dílì magkampat, Paint …

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abansada CEBUANO

abansáda a exposed to the wind. v [B12; c1] for s.t. to be directly open to the wind. Naabansáda sa …

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abansadu CEBUANO

abansádu a be close to the roadway. sa buling a not showing dirt, masking stains well. Abansádus buling ang kalsúnis …

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abansin CEBUANO

abansin v [A] advance, for a body of people to move forward. Ang mga Hapúnis miabansin sa pátag sa Lusun, …

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