"Suppurating" is a word in ENGLISH

suppurating ENGLISH

of Suppurate

Few words of positivity

Never be defeated by roadblocks life throws in your way. Instead, conquer them. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Blaque Diamond

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Who can tell me where Hadrians Wall is?Pupil: I expect it's around Hadrian's garden miss!

antipyic ENGLISH

Checking or preventing suppuration.

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apostemation ENGLISH

The formation of an aposteme; the process of suppuration.

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basâ - Moisture, humidity, dankness, damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist, damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make or become wet, …

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A hard, painful, inflamed tumor, which, on suppuration, discharges pus, mixed with blood, and discloses a small fibrous mass of …

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dágsang - To fester, suppurate, gangrene, become septic or infected, to gather or form pus, discharge matter. Nagadágsang ang íya …

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dalâ - (H) To form—pus,—matter, to suppurate, gather, fester, discharge purulent matter. Nagadalâ ang íya hubág. His boil is festering. …

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digest ENGLISH

To suppurate; to generate pus, as an ulcer.

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digest ENGLISH

To dispose to suppurate, or generate healthy pus, as an ulcer or wound.

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digestion ENGLISH

Generation of pus; suppuration.

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digestive ENGLISH

A substance which, when applied to a wound or ulcer, promotes suppuration.

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fester ENGLISH

To generate pus; to become imflamed and suppurate; as, a sore or a wound festers.

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furuncle ENGLISH

A superficial, inflammatory tumor, suppurating with a central core; a boil.

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gathering ENGLISH

A tumor or boil suppurated or maturated; an abscess.

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The act of forming an abscess; state of being inflamed; suppuration.

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indigested ENGLISH

Not ripened or suppurated; -- said of an abscess or its contents.

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matitík - Ulceration, suppuration, festering, infection, sepsis; to fester, suppurate, mortify, gangrene, gather pus or matter, rankle; to throb, pulsate, …

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maturant ENGLISH

A medicine, or application, which promotes suppuration.

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maturate ENGLISH

To ripen; to become mature; specif/cally, to suppurate.

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maturate ENGLISH

To promote the perfect suppuration of (an abscess).

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maturation ENGLISH

The process of bringing, or of coming, to maturity; hence, specifically, the process of suppurating perfectly; the formation of pus …

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