"Sikmat" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


síkmat - A stitch or pain in the back,
rheumatism of the back; to cause pain in
the back. Ginasíkmat akó karón. I have a
pain in my back. Siníkmat siá kaína. A
while ago he had a pain in his back.

sikmat CEBUANO

sikmat v [A2N; b6] snarl at suddenly and without warning.
Takwáhaw lang kung gisikmátan sa irù, The dog just suddenly snarled at me.

Few words of positivity

Only hinted at in some of these tales, and clearly stated in others, it is apparent that there was a long and continuing conflict between paganism and Christianity in the early centuries A.D. This may also be the explanation behind other well creation tales, such as the slaying by St Barry of a 'great serpent' in County Roscommon. The saint thrust his crozier at it before it disappeared into Lough Lagan, and where his knee touched the ground, a holy well, Tobar Barry, sprang up. Although the serpent may represent paganism, and the saint's victory is therefore the victory of Christianity over paganism, we cannot entirely ignore the possibility that some of the serpents in similar Irish tales may have been real water monsters, which are still seen from time to time in the lakes of Ireland and Scotland. These eerie, ugly monsters, with their aura of primeval mystery, appropriately symbolize the uncouth savagery which the Christians attributed to all non-Christian beliefs; but that is not to say that the monsters were totally symbolic and did not have a reality of their own.

Colin Bord, Sacred Waters

Laugh your heart out.

yo mama's teeth are so yellow that when she smiles traffic slows down.


Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu …

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ballaibi ILOKANO

v. /-EN/ to suffer from pains in the region of the spleen. Saan ka nga agtaray-taray ta ballaibien ka. Don’t …

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bántil - To squeeze and twist, to compress and contort, to knead between the knuckles of the fore—and middle-finger; anything …

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carbuncle ENGLISH

A very painful acute local inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, esp. of the trunk or back of the neck, characterized …

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A painful, spasmodic affection of the muscles of some part of the body, as of the neck or back, rendering …

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daláyday - To stroke, rub, massage slowly,—gently,—in even, regular strokes, plain, simple (of speech). Idaláyday akó ánay sang ákon likód, …

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hapuhap CEBUANO

hapúhap v [A; a12] stroke gently back and forth with little pressure. Mihapúhap siya sa ákung bukubuku sa paghumpay sa …

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kabugaw CEBUANO

kabúgaw n k. o. astringently sour citrus used for hair rinse and seasoning: Cytrus hystrix. kabúhì (from búhì) n {1} …

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kúlù v {1} [B23(1); b4(1)] shrink in length or width. Panaptun nga dílì mukúlù, Cloth that doesnt shrink. Kwáa ang …

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liad v {1} [A2] bend or throw ones body backward. Dílì makaliad ang bátà kay ákung gigunítan ang abága, The …

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lúkmat - To suffer a relapse, get sick again. Naglúkmat ang íya hubág, pilás, balatían, etc. His ulcer, wound broke …

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lumbago ENGLISH

A rheumatic pain in the loins and the small of the back.

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lúum v [A; c] put s.t. entirely into the mouth. Íyang gilúum ang usa ka buuk pán, He put the …

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pamaray-baray HILIGAYNON

pamaráy-báray - Freq. of baráybáray— to be stiff, etc.; to confuse, be confused, etc. Nagapamaráybáray ang íya likód. He has …

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regret ENGLISH

Pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been …

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sciatica ENGLISH

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, an affection characterized by paroxysmal attacks of pain in the buttock, back of the thigh, …

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sindà n {1} k. o. illness which involves pain in a local area, esp. a spot on the back which …

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solát - To write, etc. See sulát. solát, (B) Pain in the back, shooting rheumatic pain. (cf. síkmat).

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sulát - Pain in the back. (cf. solát, síkmat). sulát-súlat Dim. and Freq. of sulát. Daláyon gid lang siá, nagasulátsúlat …

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sutuy v [A2] {1} leave immediately without looking back or saying anything. Misutuy siya ug lakaw kay nangísug tu nákù, …

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