"Lukmat" is a word in HILIGAYNON


lúkmat - To suffer a relapse, get sick again.
Naglúkmat ang íya hubág, pilás, balatían,
etc. His ulcer, wound broke open again, he
fell sick again, etc. Nalukmatán siá sang
íya síkmat. He had a relapse of rheumatic
pains in the back. Tagám ka, agúd índì
maglúkmat ang bala-úd mo. Take care lest
you should get dysentery again. (cf. búghat,

Few words of positivity

One of the essential paradoxes of Advent: that while we wait for God, we are with God all along ,that while we need to be reassured of God’s arrival, or the arrival of our homecoming, we are already at home. While we wait, we have to trust, to have faith, but it is God’s grace that gives us that faith. As with all spiritual knowledge, two things are true, and equally true, at once. The mind can’t grasp paradox; it is the knowledge of the soul.

Michelle Blake

Laugh your heart out.

How is a rabbit like a plum? They're both purple, except for the rabbit.


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bangun CEBUANO

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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