"Relocate" is a word in ENGLISH

relocate ENGLISH

To locate again.

Few words of positivity

He saw two stars collapse against one another and a nova form; it flared up and then, as he watched, it began to die out. He saw it turn from a furiously blazing ring into a dim core of dead iron and then he saw it cool into darkness. More stars cooled with it; he saw the force of entropy, the method of the Destroyer of Forms, retract the stars into dull reddish coals and then into dust-like silence. A shroud of thermal energy hung uniformly over the world,over this strange and little world for which he had no love or use.It's dying, he realized. The universe. The thermal haze spread on and on until it became only a disturbance, nothing more; the sky glowed weakly with it and then flickered. Even the uniform thermal disbursement was expiring. How strange and goddamn awful, he thought. He got to his feet, moved a step toward the door.And there, on his feet, he died.They found him an hour later. Seth Morley stood with his wife at the far end of the knot of people jammed into the small room and said to himself, "to keep him from helping with the prayer". "The same force that shut down the transmitter," Ignatz Thugg said. "They knew; they knew if he phrased the prayer it would go through. Even without the relay." He looked gray and frightened. All of them did, Seth Morley noticed. Their faces, in the light of the room, had a leaden, stone-like cast. Like, he thought, thousand-year-old idols.Time, he thought, is shutting down around us. It is as if the future is gone, for all of us.

Philip K. Dick, A Maze of Death

Laugh your heart out.

What's red and green and wears boxing gloves? A fruit punch.

adwana CEBUANO

adwána n {2} place where the customs house is located or the port area near the customs house. Didtus adwána …

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amin Definition: (pron) first person plural number pronoun (exclusive) meaning "our", "ours", "us"; shows possession or location when preceded by …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ or /MANGI-: I-/ 1. to gather at the edge of table, floor, etc., e.g. dust. 2. to push …

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-an noun forming a? x. {1} forming nouns which refer to a place where s.t. is found, done, held, located. …

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apartr CEBUANO

apartr a located far from s.w. Apartr kaáyu ang ámung balay sa mirkádu, Our house is very far from the …

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n. place, location, site. Napannayag ti ayan ti balay da. Their house is in a clear place.

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bayanihan TAGALOG

bayanihan Definition: (noun) cooperative undertaking; concerted effort; especially, the act of working together to lift and move a house to …

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bilocation ENGLISH

Double location; the state or power of being in two places at the same instant; -- a miraculous power attributed …

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Block Of Surveys LAW AND LEGAL

In Pennsylva-nta land law. Any considerable body of contiguous tracts surveyed in the name of the same warrantee, without regard …

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A tidal flood which regularly or occasionally rushes into certain rivers of peculiar configuration or location, in one or more …

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ln the location of a private way laid out by the selectmen, and accepted by tlie town, a description of …

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buntug CEBUANO

buntug v [A; a1] {1} overcome s.t. Makabuntug ka ba niá-nang dakung trúsu? Can you lift the large log? Buntúgun …

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butang CEBUANO

butang v [A; c] {1} put down, in, on. Ikaw bay mubutang sa ákung lip-istik? Will you put my lipstick …

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búyun v [C; c] be situated beside and, usually, in line. Nagbúyun ang mga balay sa subà, The houses are …

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chapter ENGLISH

A location or compartment.

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coenesthesis ENGLISH

Common sensation or general sensibility, as distinguished from the special sensations which are located in, or ascribed to, separate organs, …

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Conducti Actio LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. An action which the hirer (conductor) ot a thing might have against the letter, (locator.) Inst …

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delawares ENGLISH

A tribe of Indians formerly inhabiting the valley of the Delaware River, but now mostly located in the Indian Territory.

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n. spot, site, region, place, location. Immuna nga impabuya da dagiti napintas nga disso ditoy Pilipinas. They first showed the …

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distansiya CEBUANO

distansiya n distance. Ang distansiya sa ílang balay gíkan sa karsáda, The distance of their house from the street. may …

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