"Pugis" is a word in CEBUANO


púgis, pug-is v [B; ac] having too much powder on the skin.
Nawung nagpúgis (gipugísan) sa pulbus, A face with face pow-der caked on it.
() a faded to the point of whiteness.
v [B] become faded to the point of whiteness.
Mupugis (mapugis) ang sinínà ug isígig ladlad, The dress will turn white if its al-ways put in the sun.
pugispugis a streaks or spots of whitish or grayish substances which form on the skin or may come from external sources.
v [B] for skin to get pugispugis on it.
Mag-pugispugis ang pánit sa sabun ug dílì hugásan ug maáyu, The skin will get streaks of soap if you dont rinse it o?

Few words of positivity

While there are millions of hungry people all around the world, while there are thousands of homeless people in every country, while some continents are in a horrible poverty, while there are not enough schools, not enough hospitals in the entire world, building churches, mosques, synagogues or temples or spending money on guns, on war industry are the greatest treasons to humanity!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a drunk chicken ? Scotch eggs !


adpan v [B1; a4] be slightly scorched to the point of being dis-colored. Naadpan (giadpan) ang ákung pánit, My skin …

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agil v [AN; b5] shave hair o? (not beard). Ug mangagil (mangágil) ka sa bábuy ayawg samári ang pánit, When …

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agis-is CEBUANO

agis-is n white scales on skin of the type which develop when the skin is dry. v [B6; a4] develop …

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agit-it CEBUANO

agit-it n {1} white streaks of dirt or dried up perspiration. {2} dirt that sticks to things or the skin. …

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alap-ap CEBUANO

alap-ap n k. o. fungus skin disease characterized by white splotches on the skin. v [a4] be infected with alap-ap. …

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ánit n leather. Ang bag nga ánit mas lig-un kay sa plastik, A bag made of leather is much stronger …

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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bagnul CEBUANO

bagnul a {1} dull, not sharp. Ang bagnul nga kutsilyu dì limpiyu ug pinutlan, A dull knife will not make …

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bagù n disease characterized by general debility, swelling in the region of the stomach, and yellowish skin. It commonly occurs …

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balangas CEBUANO

balángas n mange, skin disease of dogs. v [a4] have mange. -un() a mangy. v [B125] become mangy. Mabalangasun ang …

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balbag CEBUANO

balbag v [A3P; a12] break into pieces due to an impact. Nabal-bag ang bagul nga gimartilyu, The coconut shell got …

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balikis CEBUANO

balíkis v [A; c] coil, put around s.t. else. Mibalíkis ang baksan sa bábuy, The python coiled around the pigs …

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bandurin CEBUANO

bandurin = banduríya. banduríya, bandurya n {1} stringed instrument with 4 to 8 pairs of strings, played with a plectrum, …

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banlut CEBUANO

banlut v {1} [A; b] clean the skin of a dressed chicken of prickles or slimy substance. Asin ang ibanlut …

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barbas CEBUANO

barbas v [A; bc] wash infected skin with boiled leaves of medicinal herbs. Mu rag nagamay ang kabahung nga nabar-basan, …

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batungol ILOKANO

n. a disease characterized by skin eruptions all over the body - especially common among chickens. v. /AG-/ to have …

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bigut n s. o. having ugly, knotted scars at the neck. v [B126] for the neck to be ugly with …

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bintusa CEBUANO

bintúsà n method of relieving muscular aches by placing a glass on the skin and burning a wick in it …

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blits v [A; c1] bleach ones skin or hair.

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In medical jurisprudence. A contusion; an injury upou the flesh of a per-son with a bluut or heavy instrument, with-out …

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