"Prominently" is a word in ENGLISH

prominently ENGLISH

In a prominent manner.

Few words of positivity

But to find out the truth about how dreams die, one should never take the word of the dreamer.

Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

Laugh your heart out.

I bought a dog the other day... I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and keeps typing. He's an East German Shepherd.

accentuate ENGLISH

To bring out distinctly; to make prominent; to emphasize.

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agtang CEBUANO

agtang n {1} forehead. {2} region just above the genitalia (hu-morous metaphorical). () v [A; a12] hit at the forehead. …

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ali, ali-ali HILIGAYNON

álì, alî-álì - Also: Prominent, foremost, the best (of a kind). (cf. lutáw, tínggas, etc.).

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alungaing CEBUANO

alungáing n jaw, mandible. -un a having a prominent jawbone.

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ámpag - A prominent place, a foremost, reserved or special seat; to choose a prominent seat, to sit in the …

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ampliate ENGLISH

Having the outer edge prominent; said of the wings of insects.

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anadiplosis ENGLISH

A repetition of the last word or any prominent word in a sentence or clause, at the beginning of the …

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anínu n shadow. dakù ug important, prominent person. v [A; a2] cast a shadow on. Muanínu ang káhuy sa tanáman, …

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ántaw - Visible from afar, prominent. (cf. pántaw).

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antitragus ENGLISH

A prominence on the lower posterior portion of the concha of the external ear, opposite the tragus. See Ear.

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apapangig CEBUANO

apapángig n jaws. v [a12] hit in the jaw. -un a have prominent jaws. v [B1246] get a prominent jaw.

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apophysis ENGLISH

A marked prominence or process on any part of a bone.

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aquiline ENGLISH

Curving; hooked; prominent, like the beak of an eagle; -- applied particularly to the nose

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auricle ENGLISH

The external ear, or that part of the ear which is prominent from the head.

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bad-ay CEBUANO

bad-ay v {1} [B1] be placed transversely across. Nagbad-ay ang buktun sa bána sa tiyan sa íyang asáwa, The husbands …

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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bagsang CEBUANO

bagsang = balagsang. bagtak n calf of the leg. -un a having prominent calves.

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balat-ang CEBUANO

balat-ang n the hips and pelvic region. v [a4] have pains in the pelvic region. Balat-ángun siya ug magrigla, She …

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balikhaw CEBUANO

balikhaw n collarbone. v [BN2] have prominent collarbones. Namalikhaw siya pagguwà níya sa uspital, You could see his collarbones when …

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bangkil CEBUANO

bangkil n canine tooth, fangs. -an a with prominent fangs. Bangkilan na ang bábuy nga ámung giíhaw, The pig that …

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