"Penult" is a word in ENGLISH

penult ENGLISH

The last syllable but one of a word; the syllable preceding
the final one.

Few words of positivity

When you select a career, it not only affects you but many people who depend on your work.

Dhaval Gajera

Laugh your heart out.

How many Obsessive-Compulsive P.D. does to take to change a lightbulb?Just one. But he has to check it 100 times, one for each watt.


That which is affixed; an appendage; esp. one or more letters or syllables added at the end of a word; …

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To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to; to fix to any part of; as, …

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alcaic ENGLISH

A kind of verse, so called from Alcaeus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, …

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amphibrach ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short (~ -- ~); as, h/b/r/. In …

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amphimacer ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the middle one short and the others long, as in cast/tas.

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-an noun forming a? x. {1} forming nouns which refer to a place where s.t. is found, done, held, located. …

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anacrusis ENGLISH

A prefix of one or two unaccented syllables to a verse properly beginning with an accented syllable.

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bacchius ENGLISH

A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.

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bato-bato HILIGAYNON

bató-bató - Dim. of bató. Also: to do a little at a time, pick up here and there, read and …

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compare ENGLISH

To inflect according to the degrees of comparison; to state positive, comparative, and superlative forms of; as, most adjectives of …

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contract ENGLISH

To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one.

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contraction ENGLISH

The shortening of a word, or of two words, by the omission of a letter or letters, or by reducing …

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cretic ENGLISH

A poetic foot, composed of one short syllable between two long ones (- / -).

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dieresis ENGLISH

The separation or resolution of one syllable into two; -- the opposite of synaeresis.

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diphthong ENGLISH

A vowel digraph; a union of two vowels in the same syllable, only one of them being sounded; as, ai …

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diphthong ENGLISH

A coalition or union of two vowel sounds pronounced in one syllable; as, ou in out, oi in noise; -- …

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division ENGLISH

A course of notes so running into each other as to form one series or chain, to be sung in …

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To cut off, as a vowel or a syllable, usually the final one; to subject to elision.

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epitrite ENGLISH

A foot consisting of three long syllables and one short syllable.

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female rhymes ENGLISH

double rhymes, or rhymes (called in French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or feminine) in which two …

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