"Bato-Bato" is a word in HILIGAYNON

bato-bato HILIGAYNON

bató-báto - Dim. of bató. Also: To use
small stones, fill or line with pebbles or the
like. Batóbatóhi ang bubón. Cover the
bottom of the water-hole or bathing place
with pebbles.

bato-bato HILIGAYNON

bató-báto - The kidneys, reins.

bato-bato HILIGAYNON

bató-bató - Dim. of bató. Also: to do a
little at a time, pick up here and there, read
and spell at the same time, do falteringly or
haltingly, do or let do by turns and the like.
Ginbatóbató silá sang Párì sang mga
tóksò. The Parish-Priest picked out several

questions from the catechism for them to
answer one by one. Nagabatóbató siá sa
pagbása. He reads with difficulty,
falteringly, stumbling over syllables, etc.

Few words of positivity

Alford, Massachusetts: Mandy stood there with her old Nikon film camera, snapping photo after photo of the rural landscape. It was difficult to describe the wonderful feeling of there not being a single cell phone in sight; the only modern technology around was the faint blue glow of a cathode ray tube television in the window of a nearby house, and a few cars and trucks parked in crumbling gravel driveways. She was allowed to see this place, one that would likely be ruined by the 21st century as time went on… places like these were extremely hard to find these days. A world of wood-burning cookstoves and the waxy smell of Paraffin, laundry hung out to dry, rusty steel bridges over streams that reflected the bright blue skies, apple pies left out on windowsills… a world of hard work with very little to show for it aside from the sunlight beaming down on a proud community. And Mandy wanted to trap it all in her Kodak film rolls and rescue it from the future.

Rebecca McNutt, Smog City

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bette !Bette who ?Bette of roses!

ensample ENGLISH

An example; a pattern or model for imitation.

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kumpadri CEBUANO

kumpadri = kumpári.

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subtreasurer ENGLISH

The public officer who has charge of a subtreasury.

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The act of wooing in love; the solicitation of a woman in marriage; courtship.

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síng-it - (H) Stye (of the eye). (cf. búntug).

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subelongate ENGLISH

Not fully elongated; somewhat elongated.

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ascitical ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or affected by, ascites; dropsical.

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salisal ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to compete with one another

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A short, sharp sound, as of metal struck with a slight degree of violence.

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passional ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions.

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dagámi - Straw, especially rice-straw.

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Of or pertaining to agriculture; as, rural economy.

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lanate ENGLISH

líkin n {1} cigar made of finely crushed, roasted tobacco rolled in the lungbuy leaf or some other material formed …

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interlude ENGLISH

A short piece of instrumental music played between the parts of a song or cantata, or the acts of a …

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reposed ENGLISH

Composed; calm; tranquil; at rest.

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simplistic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to simples, or a simplist.

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A virulent poison used in Java and the adjacent islands for poisoning arrows. One kind, upas antiar, is, derived from …

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auricularia ENGLISH

A kind of holothurian larva, with soft, blunt appendages. See Illustration in Appendix.

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