"Pandung" is a word in CEBUANO

pandung CEBUANO

pandung n {1} s.t.
held over the head as protection.
{2} re-flector of a pressurized kerosene lantern.
v {1} [A; c] cover the head, esp.
to protect it.
Karun dílì na kinahanglang magpan-dung sa simbahan, Now it is no longer necessary to cover the head in church.
Pandúngi nang bátà kay náay ulan, Cover the childs head because its raining.
{2} [A12; a] attach, make into a lantern reflector.

Few words of positivity

From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I was differentI was not raised; as others wereMy passions from a common sense of ideas. From the same source I have taken Thus, this is art that connects mankind My pains; I could not awaken Resurrected, because in art there's creativity My heart too complacent at the same rate; And all I loved indeed, I loved alone.I am alone.

Henry Johnson Jr

Laugh your heart out.

Which two letters are rotten for your teeth? D K


abat n {1} any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. …

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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The levelers in the reign of Hen. I., who acknowledged no head or superior. Leges H. 1; Cowell. Also certain …

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administradur CEBUANO

administradur n {1} administrator of an estate. {2} head of a government agency. v [A; a2] be an administrator.

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ahit Active Verb: mag-ahit Passive Verb: ahitin Definition: 1) the shaved part; a shaving service (noun) 2) to shave (verb) …

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alimpulu CEBUANO

alimpúlu n {1} crown, part of the skull in the back where the hair forms a whorl. {2} topmost part …

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alimyun CEBUANO

alimyun n sweet smell, fragrance. Ang alimyun sa mga búlak, The fragrance of the flowers. paN- v [A; b(1)] smell …

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alsa v {1} [A; a12] lift s.t. from underneath. Alsáhun nátù ning lamísa, Lets lift the table. {2} [A2] rise …

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alut v [AC2; b(1)] {1} shave the head. {2} cut hair. Aluti ku, Cut my hair. {3} [A; b7] eat …

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-an local passive verb a? x, future. (past gi-an; subjunctive -i. Potential forms: past na-an; future ma-an or, alternatively, ka-an; …

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ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà …

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arul v {1} [A3; b6] shave the hair o? the head. Giarulan ang binilanggung patyunun, The condemned prisoner had his …

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asam-asam CEBUANO

asam-asam v [AN; b(1)] {1} dare do s.t. di? cult, beyond ones capacity to do. Mag-asam-asam kag pangusína nga dì …

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atay n {1} liver. {2} liver as the seat of emotions. makapakitbì, makapakúlù sa makes the blood curdle. makapadakù sa …

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atitaw CEBUANO

atitaw v [B3(1)4] for a boil to come to a good, clear head. Tus-díka ang buthanan sa hubag ug muatitaw …

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atubang CEBUANO

atubang v {1} [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, Youre always looking at yourself in (lit. …

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atul coincide in time. Ang íyang adlaw atul sa bag-ung túig, His birthday coincides with New Years. v {1} [A2C; …

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bagul n {1} coconut shell. {2} head (slang). Gamíta ang ímung bagul, Use your head. a uncomfortable to have weigh …

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baksiwa CEBUANO

baksiwà a contrary, nonconforming. Baksiwà nga pagkabátà, A contrary child. v [AC; c1] {1} be contrary to, be not in …

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bakukang CEBUANO

bakukang n {1} k. o. large rhinoceros beetle, found in coconut trees. {2} name given to small brown beetles or …

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