"Oxanilate" is a word in ENGLISH

oxanilate ENGLISH

A salt of oxanilic acid.

Few words of positivity

The question of bread for myself is a material question, but the question of bread for my neighbor is a spiritual question.

Nikolai A. Berdyaev

Laugh your heart out.

What did the hurricane say to the palm tree?-Hang onto your leaves, this will be no ordinary breeze

abhung CEBUANO

abhung a musty and flat in smell: damp clothing, rice, sweet potatoes, salted fish, et al. v [B; b6] be, …

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abraum ENGLISH

Alt. of Abraum salts

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abraum salts ENGLISH

A red ocher used to darken mahogany and for making chloride of potassium.

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acetate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate …

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One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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Sharp and harsh, or bitter and not, to the taste; pungent; as, acrid salts.

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adiwara ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to spread, diffuse. Agadiwara ti banglo dayta sampagita. The fragrance of that sampaguita flower spreads. ADMINISTRASION [f. Sp.], …

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adubawu CEBUANO

adubáwu n meat cooked in salt, vinegar with spices then fried, with fat or liquid leftover. v [A; a] cook …

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adúbu n meat fried in salt and vinegar. v [A; a] cook adúbu.

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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agumá-a - A kind of fish that is frequently cut in two, salted and dried in the sun. Agumá-a nga …

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ahaw a lacking entirely. Ahaw sa tanum ang yútà nga palanas, The rocky area is bare of plants. Ahaw ang …

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alasínan - (H) Place where salt is kept, salt-cellar, (asín).

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álat (not without l) n salted eggs.

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alcoholate ENGLISH

A crystallizable compound of a salt with alcohol, in which the latter plays a part analogous to that of water …

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alembroth ENGLISH

The salt of wisdom of the alchemists, a double salt composed of the chlorides of ammonium and mercury. It was …

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alkali ENGLISH

One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in …

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alomancy ENGLISH

Divination by means of salt.

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alunogen ENGLISH

A white fibrous mineral frequently found on the walls of mines and quarries, chiefly hydrous sulphate of alumina; -- also …

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amahung CEBUANO

amahung n k. o. bivalve of sea, greenish brown in color, oblong, 2 in length, with orange meat. Found clinging …

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