"Overbow" is a word in ENGLISH

overbow ENGLISH

To bend or bow over; to bend in a contrary direction.

Few words of positivity

Anything can happen to anyone at any time and you shouldn't just live through the days, or you lose them. You should do what you can to enjoy every moment.

Sarah Brightman

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Whats the difference between erotic and kinky? A: Erotic is when you use a feather. Kinky is when you use the whole chicken.


abóy - Bent, curved, warped; to bend, to curve, to warp, kink. Ang mga manuglagarì nagalagárì sang káhoy sonô sang …

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akimbo ENGLISH

With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward.

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antagonist ENGLISH

A muscle which acts in opposition to another; as a flexor, which bends a part, is the antagonist of an …

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antrovert ENGLISH

To bend forward.

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The habit of bending from the sunlight; -- said of certain plants.

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apogeotropic ENGLISH

Bending away from the ground; -- said of leaves, etc.

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arbalist ENGLISH

A crossbow, consisting of a steel bow set in a shaft of wood, furnished with a string and a trigger, …

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To form or bend into the shape of an arch.

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arcuation ENGLISH

A mode of propagating trees by bending branches to the ground, and covering the small shoots with earth; layering.

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arcuation ENGLISH

The act of bending or curving; incurvation; the state of being bent; crookedness.

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arukong ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to stoop, bend as when entering a cave or a low door.

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avoset ENGLISH

A grallatorial bird, of the genus Recurvirostra; the scooper. The bill is long and bend upward toward the tip. The …

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báid - (B) Corner, angle, nook, back-yard, ground at the side and back of a building. Ibutáng mo ang síya …

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baker-legged ENGLISH

Having legs that bend inward at the knees.

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bakliad CEBUANO

bakliad, baklíad v [B; c1] bend ones body far backward. Mubak-líad gánì ang bátà hayan mahúlug, If the baby bends …

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bakù a stoop-shouldered. v [B; a] become hunched. Makabakù (makapabakù) nímu ang magsígig dúkù nga magsulat, Youll become stoop-shouldered if …

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bálì balìbálì n {3} in basketball, bending the upper part of the body far to the back while shooting to …

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bálì v [A; a] break s.t. long. Mibálì siyag sanga, He broke o? a twig. Nabálì ang ákung buktun, I …

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bálì - To fracture, rupture, break without severing, to bend or twist so as to break, but without tearing off …

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balikíd - To turn one’s head and look back, to look behind; to revert to, be concerned about, have one’s …

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