"Outstand" is a word in ENGLISH

outstand ENGLISH

To stand out, or project, from a surface or mass;
hence, to remain standing out.

outstand ENGLISH

To resist effectually; to withstand; to sustain
without yielding.

outstand ENGLISH

To stay beyond.

Few words of positivity

life is like a teabag; you end up dead, replaced and forgotten.

Kieran Jamie Lee, Igloos in the Summer

Laugh your heart out.

Two Irishmen were walking down the street with two salmon each under their arms. Two other Irishmen walking in the opposite direction see the two lucky fishermen and ask " how did you catch those ?" Well its like this! Michael here holds my legs over the bridge, and I grab the salmon as they swim up the river. We got four salmon A great days fishing! So the fishless pair look at each other and agree to give it a try. They get to the bridge and Sean calls to his friend "hold my legs now Paddy". Well he is hanging there upside down for thirty minutes when he suddenly cries.. "pull me up, pull me up!!" Paddy asks " do you have a fish Sean?"............ No replies Sean, "there's a bloody train coming!!!!!!!!"


n. side (of). Mapan ka idiay abay ni manong mo. Go to the side of your older brother. v. /-UM-:-EN/ …

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abbreviation ENGLISH

The form to which a word or phrase is reduced by contraction and omission; a letter or letters, standing for …

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To stand the consequences of; to answer for; to suffer for.

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In Scotch law. A Ju-dicial declaration that the party abides by the deed on which he founds, in an action …

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Abrogation LAW AND LEGAL

The annulment of a law by constitutional authority. It stands opposed to rogation; and Is distinguished from derogation, which implies …

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absist ENGLISH

To stand apart from; top leave off; to desist.

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absistence ENGLISH

A standing aloof.

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accidental ENGLISH

Those fortuitous effects produced by luminous rays falling on certain objects so that some parts stand forth in abnormal brightness …

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Ad Comparendum LAW AND LEGAL

To appear. Ad comparendum, et ad standum juri, to appear and to stand to the law, or abide the Jndg-ment …

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adjective ENGLISH

Not standing by itself; dependent.

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Admonitio Trina LAW AND LEGAL

A triple or threefold warning, given, in old times, to a prisoner standing mute, before he was subjected to the …

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afford ENGLISH

To incur, stand, or bear without serious detriment, as an act which might under other circumstances be injurious; -- with …

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agóy - An exclamation of pain and suffering. Agóy, kasakít siníng hubág ko. Oh, dear me. Oh, the pain of …

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agwanta CEBUANO

agwanta v {1} [A; a12] endure, put up with. Walay pawntin-ping muagwanta ánang ímung ginawian, No pen can last the …

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agwantado HILIGAYNON

agwantádo - (Sp. aguantádo) Robust, strong with great powers of resistance to fatigue, pain and stress; one who can stand …

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Slightly turned or opened; as, the door was standing ajar.

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akasya CEBUANO

akasya n monkey-pod tree, a large tree extensively planted as shade tree and producing excellent lumber: Samanea saman. akasyahan n …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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áku (from aku) v [A12] {1} stand to do s.t. Dì ku kaákug tan-aw nímu, I cannot stand to look …

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The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.

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