"Led" is a word in ENGLISH


of Lead.


of Lead

Few words of positivity

so here i sit. a sum of the parts. about a third way down this wonderful path, so to speak. and i've been thinking lately about a friendship that fell apart with time, with distance, and with the misunderstanding of youth. i'm trying not to confuse sadness with regret. not the easiest thing at times. i dont regret that certain things happened. i understand that perhaps i had a choice in the matter, or perhaps i believe in fate. probably not, but so far actions as small as the quickest glance to events as monumental as death have pushed me slowly along to right here, right now. there was no other way to get here. the meandering and erratic path was actually the straightest of lines. take away a handful of angry words, things once thought of as mistakes or regrets, and i'm suddenly a different person with a different history, a different future. that, i would regret. so here i sit. thinking about a person i once called my best friends. a man who might be full of sadness and regret, who might not give a damn, or who might, just might, remember the future and realize that's where its at.

Chris Wright

Laugh your heart out.

Who said "Shiver me timbers!" on the ghost ship? The skeleton crew.

Ab Inconvenienti LAW AND LEGAL

From hardship, or inconvenience. An argument founded upon tbe hardship of the case, and the in-convenience or disastrous consequences to …

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abomasus ENGLISH

The fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant, which leads from the third stomach omasum. See Ruminantia.

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abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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accentor ENGLISH

One who sings the leading part; the director or leader.

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acetate ENGLISH

A salt formed by the union of acetic acid with a base or positive radical; as, acetate of lead, acetate …

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ágak - To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka …

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ágak v {1} [A; a12] give the hand to lead or lend support. Akù siyang agákun tapun sa karsáda, Ill …

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aggression ENGLISH

The first attack, or act of hostility; the first act of injury, or first act leading to a war or …

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akay Active Verb: umakay Passive Verb: akayin Definition: 1) person led by the hand (noun) 2) to lead by the …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to guide, lead especially by holding the hand; to herd, to drive as a herd, a group, etc. …

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allukud ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to lead, guide, conduct by holding or supporting by the hand. Allukudem ni lelang mo ket nakapsut. Hold …

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alobaybay HILIGAYNON

alobáybay - Handrail, railing to hold oneself by, balustrade. Also used as a verb. Alobaybayí ang hágdan sang ímo baláy. …

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alquifou ENGLISH

A lead ore found in Cornwall, England, and used by potters to give a green glaze to their wares; potter's …

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alum shale ENGLISH

A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, …

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angkun CEBUANO

angkun v [A; a12] claim as ones own, admit authorship of an act. Dì siya muangkun nga siyay may salà, …

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anglesite ENGLISH

A native sulphate of lead. It occurs in white or yellowish transparent, prismatic crystals.

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animosity ENGLISH

Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike.

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antechamber ENGLISH

A chamber or apartment before the chief apartment and leading into it, in which persons wait for audience; an outer …

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antestomach ENGLISH

A cavity which leads into the stomach, as in birds.

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A strip of lead which leads the drip of a wall into a gutter; a flashing.

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