"Lawug" is a word in CEBUANO


láwug v [A2SB] for sti?
and long things to warp or bend.
Miláwug ang tabla human initi, The board warped after having been ex-posed to the sun.
() n long bent things.

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

Person 1: It must be terrible for an opera singer to realize that he can never sing again.Person 2: Yes, but it's much more terrible if he doesn't realize it.

agalunpan CEBUANO

agálunpaN- v [A23] for a long-lost thing to be found again by its owner or for a thing long sold …

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alábut - (H) To follow one thing or work after another. Also: The plural form of ábut. Sámtang nga buhî …

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-an noun forming a? x. {1} forming nouns which refer to a place where s.t. is found, done, held, located. …

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arasti CEBUANO

arasti paN- v [A2; b6(1)] {1} venture to do s.t. which one is incapable of doing satisfactorily. Nangarasti kag gubà …

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arti n art. Arti sa pamálak, Art of poetry. may, walay be (not be) artistic. May arti siyang mukanta, She …

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balagsang CEBUANO

balagsang a for like things in a row to lack pieces, having pieces missing. Balagsang ang mais kay pagawpaw ang …

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bálì v [A; a] break s.t. long. Mibálì siyag sanga, He broke o? a twig. Nabálì ang ákung buktun, I …

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banga a boring. v [B1246; a4b4] become bored, be fed up. Mak-abanga ning búhat nga mau ra gihápun adlaw-adlaw, Doing …

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bangan CEBUANO

bángan v [A; a] {1} tie a bunch of long things together. Bangánun nátù ang lipak arun sayun pas-ánun, Lets …

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bansiwag CEBUANO

bansiwag v [B346; c1] for long things to stick out prominently. Mibansiwag ang báraw sa íyang bulsa, The knife stuck …

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básin {1} [so-and-so] might happen but I hope not, lest [so-and-so] happen. Pagdala ug páyung, básig muulan, Take along an …

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birnis CEBUANO

birnis n Friday. v {1} [B256; b4] be Friday. Nagbirnis (mibirnis) na lang wà gihápun siya muabut, It is (got …

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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búhì a {1} alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, …

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bukway CEBUANO

bukway v [B; c1] {1} for long, thin things to stretch out: ten-drils, flowers, sunrays, etc. Nagbukway na ang mga …

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bulalu CEBUANO

bulálù (not without l) a {1} stupid, dull. Bulálù ka kay dúgay nga makasabut, Youre stupid. It takes you long …

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burus a {1} pregnant. {2} for rice to form grains in the panicle. {3} for borrowed things to have been …

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converse ENGLISH

To have knowledge of, from long intercourse or study; -- said of things.

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daging CEBUANO

daging n k. o. June bug. dagínut v [A; a] {1} use sparingly. Daginúta ang bugas arun muhangtud, Use the …

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dáyun {1} immediately, at once. Milakaw siya dáyun, He imme-diately walked away. Walà dáyun níya himatikdi ang ulitáwu, She did …

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