"Ladgad" is a word in HILIGAYNON


ládgad - To inflame, chafe, gall, irritate,
heat, loosen the skin by scratching,
pinching, rubbing, etc. Naládgad ang íya

lábwak – lagás
pánit, kay kinálot níya. His skin was
inflamed, because he scratched it. Ladgadá
(-ará) ang pánit. Heat the skin (by
rubbing, or the like). Indì mo pagkalóton
sing lakás ang katúl mo, kay kon
maládgad ang pánit mo, magalápad ang
katúl. Don’t scratch your "katúl” (kind of
eczema) too much, for if the skin becomes
inflamed, the "katúl” will spread. (cf. dús-il,
pák-it, taís).

Few words of positivity

You don't understand," gasped Eli. "No one understands.""When no one understands, that's usually a good sign that you're wrong.

V.E. Schwab, Vicious

Laugh your heart out.

Golfer: "That can't be my ball, caddy. It looks far too old."Caddy: "It's a long time since we started, sir."


adpan v [B1; a4] be slightly scorched to the point of being dis-colored. Naadpan (giadpan) ang ákung pánit, My skin …

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ágas - To close, heal, form scabs (said of small-pox, measles and other diseases affecting the skin). Ang butí nagaágas …

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ágay - To trickle, dribble, run down in drops, flow slowly and gently. Nagaágay ang mapaít níya nga lúhà kag …

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agil v [AN; b5] shave hair o? (not beard). Ug mangagil (mangágil) ka sa bábuy ayawg samári ang pánit, When …

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agis-is CEBUANO

agis-is n white scales on skin of the type which develop when the skin is dry. v [B6; a4] develop …

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agit-it CEBUANO

agit-it n {1} white streaks of dirt or dried up perspiration. {2} dirt that sticks to things or the skin. …

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ál-al - To get loose, to peel or scale off, as a piece of bark, skin, flesh, etc. Nagál-al na …

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aláp-ap - White spots on the skin, especially on the arms and legs. May alápap ang íya bútkon. His arm …

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alap-ap CEBUANO

alap-ap n k. o. fungus skin disease characterized by white splotches on the skin. v [a4] be infected with alap-ap. …

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ánit n leather. Ang bag nga ánit mas lig-un kay sa plastik, A bag made of leather is much stronger …

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ánit - To flay, to peel or strip off the skin, etc. Aníti ang karabáw. Flay the buffalo. Aníta ang …

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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bagnul CEBUANO

bagnul a {1} dull, not sharp. Ang bagnul nga kutsilyu dì limpiyu ug pinutlan, A dull knife will not make …

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bágras - A scratch, slight injury to the skin. Ang íya guyá may bágras— or—nabagrasán. His face is scratched. (cf. …

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balangas CEBUANO

balángas n mange, skin disease of dogs. v [a4] have mange. -un() a mangy. v [B125] become mangy. Mabalangasun ang …

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balbag CEBUANO

balbag v [A3P; a12] break into pieces due to an impact. Nabal-bag ang bagul nga gimartilyu, The coconut shell got …

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balíkas - (H) Scratch, excoriation, abrasion; to excoriate, scratch, lacerate, tear, chafe, wound the skin. Nabalíkas ang ákon bútkon sang …

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balikis CEBUANO

balíkis v [A; c] coil, put around s.t. else. Mibalíkis ang baksan sa bábuy, The python coiled around the pigs …

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baníg - To be plentiful, abound, cover the ground, etc., as with a carpet. Ang katúl nagabaníg gid lang sa …

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banlut CEBUANO

banlut v {1} [A; b] clean the skin of a dressed chicken of prickles or slimy substance. Asin ang ibanlut …

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