"Kusmaut" is a word in CEBUANO

kusmaut CEBUANO

kusmáut v [B2S] grimace, distort ones face.
Mukusmáut ang nawung sa babáying magbatì, A womans face becomes distorted with pain during labor.
Nagkusmaut ku sa kabahù, Im grimac-ing from the smell.
Nakusmáut ang íyang nawung sa ritrátu, Her face is distorted in the picture.
() a grimacing, frowning.
kusmítik n cosmetic pomade in stick form.
v [AN; b] apply stick pomade to the hair.

Few words of positivity

Unless and until Barack Obama addresses the full depth of Americans' anger with his full arsenal of policy smarts and political gifts, his presidency and, worse, our economy will be paralyzed.

Frank Rich

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?A: Her IQ goes up!


agtì v [BN] {1} become very dark due to heat. Miagtì (nangagtì) íyang nawung sa ínit, His face has become …

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akba v {1} [B3(1); c] lean on the chest with the arms hanging over the edge. Nag-akba siya sa pasamánu …

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ákmol - Crustiness, thickness; to thicken, to harden, become crusty, to crust or incrust, said of dirt, dusty perspiration on …

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akub v [AC; ac] fit s.t. over s.t. else face to face so that the edges meet, or the edge …

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alimuut CEBUANO

alimúut (from púut) a confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is …

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ambihas CEBUANO

ambihas, ambíhas a two things parallel or face to face but one slightly behind or to the side. Ambíhas ang …

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anam v {1} [A; c1] take care of s.t. as fast or before the next comes around. Anamun (ianam) ku …

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ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà …

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ánghaw - To look out of a window, watch, observe, gaze out, thrust out or pop out one’s head, to …

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animya CEBUANO

animya n anemia. v [a4] get anemia. Káun ug atay arun dílì ka animyáhun, Eat liver so you wont get …

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anínu n shadow. dakù ug important, prominent person. v [A; a2] cast a shadow on. Muanínu ang káhuy sa tanáman, …

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anugun CEBUANO

anúgun short form: núgun (from hinúgun) what a pity, it is a waste. Anúgun sa ímung nawung, I expected more …

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aránka - (Sp. arrancar) To attack, particularly applied to sudden or swift aggression. Arankahá siá! Go for him! Attack him. …

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atbang CEBUANO

atbang (from atubang) across, opposite. Ang íla atbang sa ámù, Their place is across from ours. sa hángin where one …

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atúbang - The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo …

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atubang CEBUANO

atubang v {1} [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, Youre always looking at yourself in (lit. …

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atubangan HILIGAYNON

atubángan - Facing, position in front of, foreground, vis-a-vis. Sa íya atubángan. In his presence. In front of him. Sa …

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ay particle following s.t. which calls attention to s.t. Si Pidru ay, Mam. Nanghíwì nákù, Teacher, Pedro was making faces …

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badlis CEBUANO

badlis v {1} [AB3; a] draw a line, for a line to show itself. Mibadlis sa íyang agtang ang dagkung …

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badyung CEBUANO

badyung n prolonged humming, droning, buzzing sound. v {1} [A] make a droning sound. Magdalì ta kay mibadyung nang ayruplánu, …

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