"Kingdomed" is a word in ENGLISH

kingdomed ENGLISH

Having a kingdom or the dignity of a king; like a

Few words of positivity

The mind reels.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Cat's Cradle

Laugh your heart out.

A blonde goes into a bar. The bartender asks her what she would like, and she replies, "Bring me a beer."The bartender then asks, "Anheuser-Busch?"To which she replies, "Fine thanks, and how's your cock?"

In ancient English law. A renunciation of one's country, a species of self-imposed banishment, under an oath never to return …

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ZTGHT, or ACRE. A camp or field fight; a sort of duel, or judicial combat, anciently fought by slngie combatants, …

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Adelantado LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish law. A governor of a province; a president or presi-dent judge; a judge having jurisdiction over a kingdom, …

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Id old English law. A writ against the goods of aliens found within this kingdom, iu rec-ompense of goods taken …

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babylonian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the real or to the mystical Babylon, or to the ancient kingdom of Babylonia; Chaldean.

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bloody hand ENGLISH

A red hand, as in the arms of Ulster, which is now the distinguishing mark of a baronet of the …

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casein ENGLISH

A proteid substance present in both the animal and the vegetable kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found …

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d. 287.—Aot of parliament. A statute, law, or edict, made by the British sovereign, with the advice and consent of …

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Cinque Ports LAW AND LEGAL

Five (now seven) ports or havens on the south-east coast of Eng-laud, towards France, formerly esteemed the most important in …

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conduct ENGLISH

To lead, as a commander; to direct; to manage; to carry on; as, to conduct the affairs of a kingdom.

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Coronation Oath LAW AND LEGAL

The oath ad-ministered to a sovereign at the ceremony of crowning or investing him with the in-slgnia of royalty, in …

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county ENGLISH

A circuit or particular portion of a state or kingdom, separated from the rest of the territory, for certain purposes …

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The name given to the principal subdivisions of the kingdom of Eng-land and of most of the states of the …

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Court Of Augmentation LAW AND LEGAL

An also called Augmentation Court or simply The Augmentation in 1536, during the reign of King Henry VIII of England. …

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Courts in England composed of two or more commissioners, called “judges of assize,” (or of “assize and nisi prius,") who …

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Courts Of Request LAW AND LEGAL

Inferior courts, in England, having local jurisdic-tion in claims for small debts, established in various parts of the kingdom by …

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The superior courts, both of law and equity, were for centuries fixed at Westmiuster, an ancient palace of the monarchs …

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To cry down; to deprive of credlt “The king may at any time decry or cry down any coin of …

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define ENGLISH

To determine or clearly exhibit the boundaries of; to mark the limits of; as, to define the extent of a …

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dependency ENGLISH

A territory remote from the kingdom or state to which it belongs, but subject to its dominion; a colony; as, …

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