"Casein" is a word in ENGLISH

casein ENGLISH

A proteid substance present in both the animal and the
vegetable kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is chiefly found in milk,
and constitutes the main part of the curd separated by rennet; in the
vegetable kingdom it is found more or less abundantly in the seeds of
leguminous plants. Its reactions resemble those of alkali albumin.

Few words of positivity

She's one in a million. And that's why she's lonely.

Joyce Rachelle

Laugh your heart out.

Two hikers are out hiking. All of a sudden, a bear starts chasing them.They climb a tree, but the bear starts climbing up the tree after them. The first hiker gets his sneakers out of his knapsack and starts putting them on.The second hiker says, "What are you doing?"The first responds, "I figure when the bear gets close to us, we'll have to jump down and make a run for it."The second says, "Are you crazy? Don't you know you can't outrun a bear?The first guy says, "I don't have to outrun the bear... I only have to outrun you!"

echinodermata ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom. By many writers it was formerly included in the Radiata.

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exogen ENGLISH

A plant belonging to one of the greater part of the vegetable kingdom, and which the plants are characterized by …

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helminthes ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions or branches of the animal kingdom. It is a large group including a vast number …

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hermaphrodite ENGLISH

An individual which has the attributes of both male and female, or which unites in itself the two sexes; an …

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histohaematin ENGLISH

One of a class of respiratory pigments, widely distributed in the animal kingdom, capable of ready oxidation and reduction.

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invertebrata ENGLISH

A comprehensive division of the animal kingdom, including all except the Vertebrata.

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kasapatan HILIGAYNON

kasapátan - Animals in general, the animal kingdom, fauna, brute creation, beasts. (cf. sápat).

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mineral ENGLISH

Anything which is neither animal nor vegetable, as in the most general classification of things into three kingdoms (animal, vegetable, …

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mollusca ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These …

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A fat, liquid at ordinary temperatures, but solidifying at temperatures below 0¡ C., found abundantly in both the animal and …

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phylum ENGLISH

One of the larger divisions of the animal kingdom; a branch; a grand division.

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protoorganism ENGLISH

An organism whose nature is so difficult to determine that it might be referred to either the animal or the …

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protozoa ENGLISH

The lowest of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom.

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spongiae ENGLISH

The grand division of the animal kingdom which includes the sponges; -- called also Spongida, Spongiaria, Spongiozoa, and Porifera.

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subkingdom ENGLISH

One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, …

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tunicata ENGLISH

A grand division of the animal kingdom, intermediate, in some respects, between the invertebrates and vertebrates, and by some writers …

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tunicin ENGLISH

Animal cellulose; a substance present in the mantle, or tunic, of the Tunicates, which resembles, or is identical with, the …

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vermes ENGLISH

An extensive artificial division of the animal kingdom, including the parasitic worms, or helminths, together with the nemerteans, annelids, and …

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vertebrata ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, comprising all animals that have a backbone composed of bony or …

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zoology ENGLISH

That part of biology which relates to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of …

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